
NHS public protection accountability and assurance framework

Framework to guide health boards in assessing the adequacy and effectiveness of their public protection arrangements at both strategic and operational levels, and informs existing health board and shared multi-agency governance and assurance arrangements.


This Framework sets out exemplar evidence of high-quality, safe, and effective services that promote the protection of children and adults. Evidence reflects key recent policy and practice developments, findings from Scotland's Independent Care Review and subsequent publication of The Promise, and a range of sources including inspection findings and reviews of cases where children and adults have died or been significantly harmed.

The Framework is intended to guide Health Boards in assessing the adequacy and effectiveness of their public protection arrangements at both strategic and operational levels and to inform existing Health Board and shared multi-agency governance and assurance arrangements, covering all levels of staff including independent contractors. The aim is to ensure greater consistency in what children, adults at risk of harm, and families can expect in terms of support and protection from health services in all parts of Scotland.



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