
NHS Scotland climate emergency and sustainability strategy: 2022-2026

This document sets out plans for NHS Scotland to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions and impact on the environment, adapt to climate change and to better contribute to the United Nation sustainable development goals. It has been developed by the Scottish Government and NHS Scotland Assure.

Annex A – Building Energy Efficiency Measures

1. These are the building energy efficiency measures that Health Boards will work on implementing in the period 2022 to 2026:

a. BMS (Building Management System), Controls and Plant Improvements

2. Current BMS systems in hospitals should be updated and expanded, preferably using an open standard protocol, to allow for improved monitoring and full remote control, with the assistance of Health Board IT departments.

3. Upgrades of air handling unit fan, motor, motor drives and circulation pumps to the highest standard are necessary, as well as installation of heat recovery systems.

4. All fan and pump motors should have differential pressure switches fitted to them for auto changeover via the BMS.

5. Air Handling Unit (AHU) filters should be fitted with a Differential Pressure (DP) sensor which constantly monitors DP across each filter. Each filter DP should be properly configured to provide a Red, Amber and Green status so that filters are changed at the correct time, both from a health perspective but also from an energy conservation perspective as well.

b. Energy management & sub-metering

6. Savings for electricity, heating fuels and water can be generated through:

  • setting up green teams with local responsibility for energy use
  • allocating an energy manager to monitor and take actions on collected data
  • setting site-by-site benchmarks and targets
  • conforming to ISO 50001 or equivalent
  • carrying out regular staff energy awareness training
  • installing smart fiscal meters on all of our smaller properties for electricity and water
  • sub-metering of major plant
  • analysis of data via our NHS Scotland – Energy Monitoring and Targeting system
  • where feasible, installing smart heating controls in all properties that do not have a BMS system

c. Building improvements

7. Improvements to buildings can reduce heat loss and energy consumption. All Health Boards will take the following actions:

  • install LED lights where they are not already in use
  • replace windows and doors on a maintenance basis with highly insulated units
  • take forward a programme to install roof and wall insulation where possible to improve thermal performance and air tightness



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