
NHS Scotland redesign of urgent care: second national staging report

This is the third of three reports assessing our urgent and unscheduled care - redesign of Urgent Care Programme.

7. Acknowledgements

We are particularly grateful to members of the RUC Evaluation Advisory Group (see Appendix C). We are indebted to colleagues who participated in the staff focus groups, Dahrlene Tough, staff in NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde, and NHS 24 for their work in the review of the patient pathway; to Healthcare Improvement Scotland (HIS) - Community Engagement team, who produced the Gathering Views Report.

With thanks also to Public Health Scotland (PHS) for their support in developing the management information and Dr Milka Marinova for the in-depth data analysis provided. We are greatly indebted to Dr Nicki McNaney for her sterling work throughout this report and particularly in relation to Focus Group organisation and findings. Finally, we wish to express our sincere appreciation of our SG support colleagues: Jill Pender, Jessica Milne, and to Elizabeth Lorimer, Marese O'Reilly and Amanda Trolland, NHS National Services Scotland (NSS).

Professor Derek Bell OBE FRSE FRCPE

Professor of Acute Medicine

Imperial College, London

Professor Sir Lewis D Ritchie OBE FRSE FRCGP

James Mackenzie Professor of General Practice

University of Aberdeen

Co-Chairs - Redesign of Urgent Care Evaluation Advisory Group

November 2021



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