
NHS Tayside Transformation Support Team: second progress report

The NHS Tayside Transformation Support Team's second progress report.


1. NHS Tayside Assurance and Advisory Group Staging Report of Findings and Recommendations, 27 June 2017,

2. NHS Tayside Transformation Support Team Report on NHS Tayside's progress to implement the recommendations in the Assurance Advisory Group's Staging Report, 29 September 2017

3. The Directors Group comprises of Chief Executive, Chief Officers, NHS Tayside Directors and Communications

4. The Executive Review Team comprises the Chief Executive, Chief Officers, NHS Tayside Directors Executive Directors, Staff-side representatives and Communications

5. EY Report to the Assurance and Advisory Group, June 2017,

6. The Revenue Resource Limit ( RRL) is determined by the NHS Scotland Resource Allocation Committee formula and is allocated to Health Boards through their opening revenue budget.

7. ' CEL 4 (2010)' is short-hand for 'Chief Executive Letter' and '4 (2010)' denotes it is the 4 th letter issued in 2010. This is a letter from the Chief Executive of NHS Scotland to NHS Boards giving guidance on Informing, Engaging and Consulting people when developing health and community care services. The letter can be found at .

8. Health and Social Care Partnerships are bodies formed to integrate community health and social care services provided by NHS Boards and Local Authorities.

9. A National Clinical Strategy for Scotland, February 2016,

10. The Chief Medical Officer's Annual Report 2014-2015 Realistic Medicine, January 2016,

11. Health and Social Care Delivery Plan, December 2016,

12. This refers to the chapter on the Central Nervous System in the British National Formulary.

13. Locally Enhanced Services are services a NHS Board has agreed with a partner organisation, that are in addition to their standard contract.

14. NHS Improvement Culture and Leadership Programme, Phase 1 , May 2017,

15. Powerlabs are leadership development courses.

16. iMatter is a tool to help individuals, teams and Health Boards understand and improve staff experience.


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