
NHSScotland 2020 Local Delivery Plan Guidance

Provides guidance to NHS Boards on 2020 Local Delivery Plans including Improvement & Co-Production Plans, the NHS contribution to Community Planning Partnerships, HEAT risk management plans and delivery trajectories, LDP financial plans, workforce planning and current HEAT Targets and Standards.

1. 2020 Local Delivery Plans

Local Delivery Plans are the 'contract' between Scottish Government and NHS Boards

The Local Delivery Plan is the delivery contract between Scottish Government and NHS Boards in Scotland. It provides assurance and underpins NHS Board Annual Reviews. Local Delivery Plans (LDPs) focus on the priorities for the NHS in Scotland and support delivery of the Scottish Government's national performance framework, the Health and Social care outcomes that are being developed in partnership, and the 2020 vision for high quality and sustainable health and social care. LDPs are part of the sophisticated NHS Scotland performance framework that has evolved since 2007 in line with public service reform in Scotland. They have supported NHS Boards to transform waiting times for patients who continue to benefit from on-going improvement; to take decisive action to tackle Healthcare Associated Infections, to prioritise and tackle alcohol abuse and the impact it has on positive outcomes; and to achieve sound financial management.

Local Delivery Plans continue to evolve to support delivery of priorities

Every year the LDP evolves to support the delivery of Scottish Government priorities, for example last year saw the introduction of the NHS Board contribution to CPP Plans. This year is no different. The LDP has to support NHS Boards to embed the performance gains that have been delivered over the last five years. It also has to support NHS Boards achieve the transformational change required to deliver NHSScotland's ambition to be world leader in quality care and its 2020 Vision described through the Route Map. Integrating Health & Social Care to put patients, their families and carers at the centre is fundamental. These changes all require the NHS in Scotland to be an exemplar in partnership working and NHS Boards will work with CPPs to identify and deploy resources in accordance with the expectations of the Agreement on Joint Working on Community Planning and Resourcing. This year the LDP will have 3 elements which are underpinned by finance and workforce planning -

  • Improvement & Co-production Plan
  • NHS Board Contribution to Community Planning Partnership Plan
  • HEAT risk management plans and delivery trajectories

Improvement and Co-production Plans will set out the actions being taken locally to deliver 2020

The Route Map was designed to retain focus on improving quality and to make measureable progress to the 2020 Vision. This year the LDP integrates the Route Map. NHS Boards are required to develop with staff, patients, public and partners an Improvement & Co-production Plan that will set out the priority actions the NHS Board is taking to deliver the 2020 Vision. NHS Boards will be engaging in national discussion on all the priorities set out in the Route Map. It is recognised that this is a transitional year and work will continue to ensure that the LDP continues to complement and align with other local and national planning requirements.

NHS Boards play a vital role in delivering Community Planning outcomes

NHS Boards are key partners within Community Planning Partnerships and have a crucial role to play in delivering improvements on a local and national basis. Last year the LDP included the key tangible contributions that the NHS Board will make towards improved outcomes in economic recovery and growth; employment; early years and early intervention; safer and stronger communities, and offending; health inequalities and physical activity; and older people. The LDP will continue to focus on the engagement approach and key actions being taken by NHS Boards.

Delivery of existing HEAT targets and standards

NHS Boards are expected to implement the delivery plans for the existing HEAT targets and standards. The Scottish Government's NHSScotland Performance Management Principles continue to hold. The Scottish Government plans to review the future role for HEAT targets and standards within its performance framework for the NHS in Scotland. This would take stock of the maturity of NHS Boards improvement methodologies, the role of targets in driving improvement, and the role of standards for providing assurance. The aim will be to simplify the performance framework and to avoid having separate HEAT targets and standards.

Timeline for LDP Submission

The Scottish Government plans to hold an LDP workshop for NHS Boards in December which will consider the depth required in the LDP in order to provide the required level of delivery assurance. NHS Boards are required to develop plans with their partners with draft plans to be submitted to Scottish Government by 14 February 2014. Final plans are required by 14 March with LDP sign-off by 31 March 2014. NHS Boards should ensure that the final Local Delivery Plans are published on their local websites by end of June 2014.

Transparent national and local arrangements for monitoring progress and accountability

NHS Boards are expected to report progress against the LDP to their boards. The Scottish Government will consider progress against the plans at the NHS Board Annual Review and mid-year review. National progress will be reported through the NHS Scotland Chief Executive's Annual Report and Scotland Performs.

Special Health Boards (SHBs)

The LDP process applies to all NHS Boards, including SHB. While the exact nature of the LDP content will vary depending on the particular role of individual Boards, all SHBs are expected to complete the Financial Templates and workforce summaries. LDPs for SHBs should also include an Improvement and Co-production plan which reflects their specific contribution to delivery of the 2020 Route Map and where applicable a plan on existing HEAT targets and standards. For those SHBs who currently have a suite of annually agreed targets and quality indictors specific to their responsibilities this process will continue as in previous years.


Email: Stuart Low

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