
NHSScotland 2020 Local Delivery Plan Guidance

Provides guidance to NHS Boards on 2020 Local Delivery Plans including Improvement & Co-Production Plans, the NHS contribution to Community Planning Partnerships, HEAT risk management plans and delivery trajectories, LDP financial plans, workforce planning and current HEAT Targets and Standards.

2. Improvement and Co-Production Plans

Five year transformational Improvement & Co-production Plans

NHS Boards are required to assure themselves that their LDP Improvement & Co-production (I & C) Plans are developed with staff, patients, public and partners. The 2020 Route Map provides the basis for the I & C Plan. The I &C plans will be transformational in nature and will be reviewed through the Local Delivery Plan on an annual basis over the next 5 years. The I & C plans will make references to more detailed local plans and monitoring approaches as required, including the NHS Contribution to CPP plan, and the HEAT standards and targets, the financial and workforce plans. NHS Boards will continue to apply existing guidance in respect of major service redesign. The 2020 Route Map also sets out the importance of increased investment in new innovations. NHS Boards are in the process of developing innovation plans and these will support delivery of the I & C Plan.

Valuing the workforce and treating people well by delivering Everyone Matters

The I & C Plan will provide assurance from NHS Boards that the 5 priorities for action: Healthy organisational culture, sustainable workforce, capable workforce, integrated workforce, effective Leadership and Management, as set out in Everyone Matters: 2020 Workforce Vision Implementation Framework, and the LDP will be taken forward in a planned way. In particular, NHS Boards are expected to set out their approach to engaging with staff and partners on the implementation of Everyone Matters; and the action they have taken in relation to embedding the NHSScotland core values as an early priority.

Delivering safe care at all times

NHS Boards have made significant progress in providing safe care within their hospitals. Along with a range of HAI improvement activity, the Scottish Patient Safety Programme continues to drive improvement in clinical care and has been extended beyond the acute programme into primary care, maternity, neonates and paediatrics and mental health services. A broader Scottish Patient safety Indicator is also being developed. The I &C plan will set out the priority actions the NHS Board is taking across these programmes of work, the plans for spread and sustainability and the impact they are having on patient care. The plan is also expected to include the actions the NHS Board will take forward on a stroke care bundle approach.

Person-centred care that learns from feedback

The I & C Plans will set out the action being taken to improve person-centred care by testing and spreading interventions which improve care experience, together with action to learn from and spread best practice in coproduction. The plan is expected to include the approach being taken to ensure that feedback on compliments, concerns, complaints and comments from patients, their families and carers is being actively sought and used to improve services.

Hospitals working with GPs, Community Teams, SAS and NHS 24 to transform care

The I &C plan is expected to include actions to improve whole system unscheduled care flow, personalised and anticipatory care planning, support to help people manage their conditions and medicines and access well-coordinated, integrated and technology enabled care. Support should be provided across the whole pathway. NHS Boards are expected to set out the local plans for accelerating improvements, including senior decision making capacity available for assessment; care planning and hospital discharge; anticipatory care plans; key information summaries; telehealthcare; chronic pain services; and rapid access to redesigned AHP MSK services as outlined in the AHP National Delivery Plan. NHS Boards will set out planned levels of improvement, the approach being taken to both prioritise improvement areas and agree how hospitals, GPs community teams, SAS and NHS 24 will work together.

Preparing for integrated health and social care

The I & C Plan will set out the actions the NHS Board is progressing with its partners to prepare for health and social care integration. The plan will set out the key actions the NHS Board is taking in 2014/15 to prepare for the agreement with Council partners on the integration model; extension of joint strategic commissioning for all adults and resourcing to plan services on a locality basis to meet changing population needs. This is expected to include plans for engaging professionals and all partners, building on individual and community assets to improve outcomes and reduce health inequalities, and strengthening improvement and analytical capacity and capability.


Email: Stuart Low

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