
NHSScotland 2020 Local Delivery Plan Guidance

Provides guidance to NHS Boards on 2020 Local Delivery Plans including Improvement & Co-Production Plans, the NHS contribution to Community Planning Partnerships, HEAT risk management plans and delivery trajectories, LDP financial plans, workforce planning and current HEAT Targets and Standards.

7. Current Heat Targets and Standards

HEAT Targets

  • To increase the proportion of people diagnosed and treated in the first stage of breast, colorectal and lung cancer by 25% by 2014/2015.
  • At least 80% of pregnant women in each SIMD quintile will have booked for antenatal care by the 12th week of gestation by March 2015 so as to ensure improvements in breast feeding rates and other important health behaviours.
  • NHS Boards to operate within their agreed revenue resource limit; operate within their capital resource limit; meet their cash requirement.
  • NHSScotland to reduce energy-based carbon dioxide emissions and to continue a reduction in energy consumption to contribute to the greenhouse gas emissions reduction targets set in the Climate Change (Scotland) Act 2009.
  • Deliver faster access to mental health services by delivering 26 weeks referral to treatment for specialist Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) services from March 2013, reducing to 18 weeks from December 2014; and 18 weeks referral to treatment for Psychological Therapies from December 2014.
  • Reduce the rate of emergency inpatient bed days for people aged 75 and over per 1,000 population, by at least 12% between 2009/10 and 2014/15.
  • No people will wait more than 28 days to be discharged from hospital into a more appropriate care setting, once treatment is complete from April 2013; followed by a 14 day maximum wait from April 2015.
  • To deliver expected rates of dementia diagnosis and by 2015/16, all people newly diagnosed with dementia will have a minimum of a year's worth of post-diagnostic support coordinated by a link worker, including the building of a person-centred support plan
  • Eligible patients will commence IVF treatment within 12 months by 31 March 2015.
  • Further reduce healthcare associated infections so that by March 2014/15 NHS Boards' staphylococcus aureus bacteraemia (including MRSA) cases are 0.24 or less per 1000 acute occupied bed days; and the rate of Clostridium difficile infections in patients aged 15 and over is 0.32 cases or less per 1000 total occupied bed days.
  • 95% of patients will wait less than 4 hours from arrival to admission, discharge or transfer for accident and emergency treatment by year ending September 2014.
  • NHSScotland to deliver universal smoking cessation services to achieve at least 12,000 successful quits, at 12 weeks post quit, in the 40% most deprived within-board SIMD areas (60% for island health boards) over the one year ending March 2015.

HEAT Standards

  • 95% of all patients diagnosed with cancer to begin treatment within 31 days of decision to treat, and 95% of those referred urgently with a suspicion of cancer to begin treatment within 62 days of receipt of referral
  • 90% of planned / elective patients to commence treatment within 18 weeks of referral
  • No patient will wait longer than 12 weeks from referral (all sources) to a first outpatient appointment (measured on month end Census)
  • Provide 48 hour access or advance booking to an appropriate member of the GP Practice Team
  • To respond to 75% of Category A calls within 8 minutes across Scotland (Scottish Ambulance Service)
  • 98% of patients will wait less than 4 hours from arrival to admission, discharge or transfer for accident and emergency treatment
  • 90% of clients will wait no longer than 3 weeks from referral received to appropriate drug or alcohol treatment that supports their recovery.
  • NHS Boards to achieve a sickness absence rate of 4%
  • NHS Boards and Alcohol and Drug Partnerships (ADPs) will sustain and embed alcohol brief interventions (ABI) in the three priority settings (primary care, A&E, antenatal), in accordance with the SIGN74 Guideline. In addition, they will continue to develop delivery of alcohol brief interventions in wider settings. It is anticipated that 2014-15 will be the final year of the HEAT standard. NHS Boards and ADPs should use this year to fully embed ABI delivery into routine practice.


Email: Stuart Low

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