NHSScotland chief executive's annual report 2016/17

The NHSScotland Chief Executive's annual report 2016/17 assesses the performance of NHSScotland in 2016/17 and describes key achievements and outcomes.


1. Healthcare Quality Strategy for Scotland, Scottish Government, May 2010. Access at: www.gov.scot/Resource/Doc/311667/0098354.pdf

2. Learning from Scotland's NHS, The Nuffield Trust, July 2017. Access at: www.nuffieldtrust.org.uk/research/learning-from-scotland-s-nhs

3. Health and Social Care Delivery Plan, The Scottish Government, December 2016. Access at: www.gov.scot/healthandsocialcaredeliveryplan

4. Creating a Healthier Scotland, Scottish Government, March 2016. Access at: www.gov.scot/Resource/0049/00497965.pdf

5. Further information on Realistic Medicine can be found in the Chief Medical Officer's Annual Report 2014/15: Realistic Medicine, The Scottish Government, January 2016 which can be accessed at: www.gov.scot/Resource/0049/00492520.pdf and in the subsequent Chief Medical Officer for Scotland Annual Report 2015/16 Realising Realistic Medicine, The Scottish Government, February 2017 which can be accessed at: www.gov.scot/publications/chief-medical-officer-scotland-annual-report-2015-16-realising-realistic-9781786526731/

6. Making it Easy: a Health Literacy Action Plan for Scotland, The Scottish Government, May 2014. Access at: www.gov.scot/Publications/2014/06/9850

7. Further information on the Montgomery Supreme Court judgement can be found at: www.supremecourt.uk/decided-cases/docs/UKSC_2013_0136_Judgment.pdf

8. Promoting Professionalism and Excellence in Scottish Medicine: A Report from the Scottish Medical and Scientific Advisory Committee, The Scottish Government, June 2009. Access at: www.gov.scot/Publications/2009/06/12150150/0

9. A National Clinical Strategy for Scotland, The Scottish Government, February 2016. Access at: www.gov.scot/Publications/2016/02/8699

10. Further information on the Six Essential Actions can be found at: www.gov.scot/Topics/Health/Quality-Improvement-Performance/UnscheduledCare/6-Essential-Actions-To-Improving-Unscheduled-Care

11. Review of Targets and Indicators, The Scottish Government. Access at www.gov.scot/Topics/Health/Quality-Improvement-Performance/Review-Targets-Indicators

12. Mirror, Mirror 2017: International Comparison Reflects Flaws and Opportunities for Better U.S. Healthcare, The Commonwealth Fund, July 2017. Access at www.commonwealthfund.org/publications/fund-reports/2017/jul/mirror-mirror-international-comparisons-2017

13. Learning from Scotland's NHS, The Nuffield Trust, July 2017. Access at: www.nuffieldtrust.org.uk/research/learning-from-scotland-s-nhs

14. National Performance Framework, The Scottish Government. Access at www.gov.scot/About/Performance/purposestratobjs

15. NHS Local Delivery Plan Standards, The Scottish Government. Access at www.gov.scot/Topics/Health/Quality-Improvement-Performance/NHS-Performance-Targets

16. Core suite of Integration Indicators, The Scottish Government, March 2015. Access at www.gov.scot/Topics/Health/Policy/Health-Social-Care-Integration/Statutory-Guidance-Advice/Indicators

17. Scotland Performs, The Scottish Government. Access at www.gov.scot/About/Performance/scotPerforms

18. Information Services Division, access at www.isdscotland.org. Scottish Government Health Statistics, Scottish Government, access at www.gov.scot/Topics/Statistics/Browse/Health?utm_source=website&utm_medium=navigation&utm_campaign=statistics-topics. Health Protection Scotland. Quarterly Epidemiological Commentaries, access at www.hps.scot.nhs.uk

19. For example, Edinburgh Integration Joint Board Annual Performance Report 2106/17. Access at www.edinburgh.gov.uk/transformedinburgh/downloads/file/147/annual_performance_report_2016_17

20. Scottish Government press release 29 August 2017. Access at: https://news.gov.scot/news/new-initiative-to-tackle-waiting-times

21. ISD Scotland: Diagnostics Waiting Times. Access at: www.isdscotland.org/Health-Topics/Waiting-Times/Diagnostics

22. ISD Scotland: Inpatient, Day Case and Outpatient stage of treatment Waiting Times. Access at: www.isdscotland.org/Health-Topics/Waiting-Times/Inpatient-Day-Cases-and-Outpatients

23. ISD Scotland: Cancer Waiting Times. Access at: www.isdscotland.org/Health-Topics/Waiting-Times/Cancer

24. ISD Scotland: Child and Adolescent Mental Health Waiting Times. Access at: www.isdscotland.org/Health-Topics/Waiting-Times/Child-and-Adolescent-Mental-Health

25. ISD Scotland: Emergency Department Activity & Waiting Times, access at: www.isdscotland.org/Health-Topics/Emergency-Care/Publications/index.asp. England: NHS England, A&E Attendances and Emergency Admissions Monthly, access at: www.england.nhs.uk/statistics/statistical-work-areas/ae-waiting-times-and-activity/statistical-work-areasae-waiting-times-and-activityae-attendances-and-emergency-admissions-2016-17

26. Health Protection Scotland: Quarterly Epidemiological Commentaries. Access at: www.hps.scot.nhs.uk/news/newsdetail.aspx?id=22224

27. Core suite of Integration Indicators, The Scottish Government, March 2015. Access at www.gov.scot/Topics/Health/Policy/Health-Social-Care-Integration/Statutory-Guidance-Advice/Indicators

28. ISD Scotland: Delayed Discharges in NHSScotland. Access at www.isdscotland.org/Health-Topics/Health-and-Social-Community-Care

29. ISD Scotland: Inpatient and Day Case Activity. Access at www.isdscotland.org/Health-Topics/Hospital-Care/Inpatient-and-Day-Case-Activity

30. Health and Care Experience Survey 2015/16, The Scottish Government, May 2016. Access at www.gov.scot/publications/health-care-experience-survey-2015-16-national-results/

31. Scottish Care Experience Survey Programme, The Scottish Government. Access at www.gov.scot/Topics/Statistics/Browse/Health/careexperience

32. The Care Opinion website can be accessed at: www.careopinion.org.uk

33. Healthcare Quality Strategy for Scotland, Scottish Government, May 2010. Access at: www.gov.scot/Resource/Doc/311667/0098354.pdf

34. Further information on 'What Matters To You?' can be found at: www.whatmatterstoyou.scot

35. What Matters To You?' Day Report 2016, Healthcare Improvement Scotland, August 2016. Access at: www.ihub.scot/media/1176/20160707-wmtyday-2016-report-v10.pdf

36. Further information on the House of Care approach can be found at: http://www.alliance-scotland.org.uk/health-and-social-care-support-and-services/house-of-care/

37. Scotland's House of Care Learning Report, The Health and Social Care Alliance Scotland (the ALLIANCE), December 2016. Access at: http://www.alliance-scotland.org.uk/blog/resources/house-of-care-learning-report/

38. Further information on ALISS can be found at: www.aliss.org

39. Further information on the Transforming Self Management Fund can be found at: http://www.alliance-scotland.org.uk/self-management-and-co-production-hub/self-management-policy-and-funding/transforming-self-management-in-scotland-fund/

40. Further information on the Self Management Awards can be found at: http://www.alliance-scotland.org.uk/blog/news/self-management-awards-2017-undefined-now-open

41. Making It Easy: A Health Literacy Action Plan for Scotland, The Scottish Government, June 2014. Access at: www.gov.scot/Publications/2014/06/9850

42. Further information on the Health Literacy Demonstrator Event can be found at: www.healthliteracyplace.org.uk/blog/2017/news/presentations-from-health-literacy-demonstrator-event

43. Making it Easy: Progress Against Actions, The Scottish Government, July 2016. Access at: www.gov.scot/publications/making-easy-progress-against-actions/

44. Further information on the Person-centred Health and Care Programme can be found at: www.healthcareimprovementscotland.org/our_work/person-centred_care/person-centred_programme.aspx

45. Further information on Experience Based Co-design Methodology can be found at: www.kingsfund.org.uk/projects/ebcd

46. Further information on the Our Voice Citizens' panel can be found at: www.ourvoice.scot/citizens-panel

47. Further information on Care Opinion can be found at: www.careopinion.org.uk/info/patient-opinion-scotland. The report of the Care Opinion Scotland Annual Review 2016 – 2017 published in July 2017 can be accessed at: www.careopinion.org.uk/resources/scotland-annual-review-16-17.pdf

48. 2015/16 Health and Care Experience Survey, The Scottish Government. Access at: www.gov.scot/Topics/Statistics/Browse/Health/GPPatientExperienceSurvey/HACE2015-16

49. 2016 Inpatient Experience Survey, The Scottish Government. Access at: www.gov.scot/Topics/Statistics/Browse/Health/InpatientSurvey/Inpatient2016

50. 2015 Maternity Care Survey, The Scottish Government. Access at: www.gov.scot/Topics/Statistics/Browse/Health/maternitysurvey/2015Results

51. 2015 Cancer Patient Experience Survey, The Scottish Government. Access at: www.gov.scot/Topics/Statistics/Browse/Health/cancersurvey/SCPES2015

52. Beating Cancer: Ambition and Action, The Scottish Government, March 2016. Access at: www.gov.scot/Publications/2016/03/9784

53. Further information on the Patient Rights (Scotland) Act 2011 can be found at: www.legislation.gov.uk/asp/2011/5/contents

54. Further information on the Apologies (Scotland) Act 2016 can be found at: www.legislation.gov.uk/asp/2016/5/contents/enacted

55. Further information on the Health (Tobacco, Nicotine etc. and Care) (Scotland) Act 2016 can be found at: www.gov.scot/Topics/Health/Services/Smoking/HealthAct2016

56. Further information on NHSScotland Complaints Statistics can be found at: www.isdscotland.org/Health-Topics/Quality-Indicators/NHS-Complaints-Statistics

57. Further information on the Social Care (Self-directed Support)(Scotland) Act 2013 can be found at: http://www.legislation.gov.uk/asp/2013/1/contents/enacted

58. Further information on Self-directed Support can be found at: www.selfdirectedsupportscotland.org.uk

59. Self-directed Support Strategy 2010-2020, Implementation Plan 2016-2018, The Scottish Government, December 2016. Access at: www.gov.scot/publications/self-directed-support-strategy-2010-2020-implementation-plan-2016-2018/

60. Self-directed Support, Scotland, 2015-16, The Scottish Government. Access at: www.gov.scot/publications/self-directed-support-scotland-2015-16//downloads

61. Scotland's Carers, The Scottish Government, March 2015: www.gov.scot/Publications/2015/03/1081

62. Further information on the Carers (Scotland) Act 2016 can be found at: www.gov.scot/Topics/Health/Support-Social-Care/Unpaid-Carers/Implementation/Carers-scotland-act-2016

63. Scotland's National Dementia Strategy 2017-2020, The Scottish Government, June 2017. Access at: www.gov.scot/publications/scotlands-national-dementia-strategy-2017-2020/

64. Promoting Excellence: A framework for all health and social services staff working with people with dementia, their families and carers, The Scottish Government, June 2011. Access at: www.gov.scot/Publications/2011/05/31085332/0

65. Source: Management Data, NHS Education for Scotland and The Scottish Social Services Council

66. Focus on Dementia is a partnership improvement programme which brings together and maximises the skills, expertise and knowledge of improvement professionals, policy practitioners and the third sector. Further information can be found at: http://ihub.scot/focus-on-dementia/

67. Estimated and Projected Diagnosis Rates for Dementia in Scotland 2014-2020, The Scottish Government, December 2016. Access at: www.gov.scot/publications/estimated-projected-diagnosis-rates-dementia-scotland-2014-2020/

68. Dementia Post Diagnostic Support: NHS Board Performance 2014/15, ISD Scotland, January 2017. Access at: www.isdscotland.org/Health-Topics/Mental-Health/Publications/2017-01-24/2017-01-24-DementiaPDS-Report.pdf

69. Further information on Focus on Dementia: Integrated Care Co-ordination in the Community can be found at: www.ihub.scot/focus-on-dementia/integrated-care-co-ordination-in-the-community

70. Strategic Framework for Action on Palliative and End of Life Care, The Scottish Government, December 2015. Access at: www.gov.scot/Publications/2015/12/4053

71. Palliative and End of Life Care: A framework to support the learning and development needs of the health and social service workforce in Scotland, NHS Education for Scotland and the Scottish Social Services Scotland, 2017. Access at: http://www.sad.scot.nhs.uk/education-learning-resources/resource/?id=1186

72. Further information on The Scottish Strategy for Autism can be found at: www.autismstrategyscotland.org.uk

73. Further information on Principles to Good Transitions 3 and Autism Supplement can be found at: www.autismnetworkscotland.org.uk/the-principles-of-good-transitions

74. Further information on the Keys to Life can be found at: www.keystolife.info

75. Further information on Changing Places can be found at: www.changing-places.org

76. Survivor Scotland Strategic Outcomes and Priorities 2015 - 2017, The Scottish Government, October 2015. Access at: www.gov.scot/Publications/2015/10/3487

77. The Improvement Hub (ihub) is hosted by Healthcare Improvement Scotland and can be found at: www.ihub.scot

78. www.ihub.scot/media/1828/20160613-spsp90dayprocessfinalreport-v-3-0.pdf

79. Hospital Standardised Mortality Ratio Quarterly Release, ISD Scotland. Access at: www.isdscotland.org/Health-Topics/Quality-Indicators/HSMR

80. www.ihub.scot/media/1828/20160613-spsp90dayprocessfinalreport-v-3-0.pdf

81. The AVPU scale (an acronym from 'alert, voice, pain, unresponsive') is a system by which a healthcare professional can measure and record a patient's responsiveness, indicating their level of consciousness.

82. Improvement data submitted by NHS Boards to Healthcare Improvement Scotland as part of the MCQIC programme.

83. The Best Start: A Five-Year Forward Plan for Maternity and Neonatal Care in Scotland, The Scottish Government, January 2017. Access at: www.gov.scot/publications/best-start-five-year-forward-plan-maternity-neonatal-care-scotland/

84. Further information on the National Health and Wellbeing Outcomes can be found at: www.gov.scot/Topics/Health/Policy/Adult-Health-SocialCare-Integration/Outcomes

85. Scottish Patient Safety Programme for Mental Health, iHub. Access at: www.ihub.scot/spsp/mental-health

86. AMR/ HAI - SARHAI 5 Year Strategic Framework, The Scottish Government, October 2016. Access at: www.gov.scot/Topics/Health/Services/Preventing-Healthcare-Infections/SARHAI5YrStrategicFramework

87. Further information on HEI Inspections can be found at: http://www.healthcareimprovementscotland.org/our_work/inspecting_and_regulating_care/nhs_hospitals_and_services/hei_inspections/all_hei_reports.aspx

88. Commentary on quarterly epidemiological data on Clostridium difficile infection, Escherichia coli bacteraemia, Staphylococcus aureus bacteraemia and Surgical Site Infection in Scotland January to March (Q1) 2017, Health Protection Scotland, 4 July 2017. Access at: http://www.hps.scot.nhs.uk/haiic/sshaip/resourcedetail.aspx?id=3277

89. Towards 2020: Taking Care to the Patient, the Scottish Ambulance Service. Access at: www.scottishambulance.com/TheService/towards2020.aspx

90. Further information on the Vale of Leven Hospital Inquiry can be found at: www.valeoflevenhospitalinquiry.org/report.aspx

91. ISD Scotland: Emergency Department Activity & Waiting Times. Access at: www.isdscotland.org/Health-Topics/Emergency-Care/Publications/index.asp

92. England: NHS England, A&E Attendances and Emergency Admissions Monthly. Access at: www.england.nhs.uk/statistics/statistical-work-areas/ae-waiting-times-and-activity/statistical-work-areasae-waiting-times-and-activityae-attendances-and-emergency-admissions-2016-17 Wales: Time Spent in NHS Wales Accident and Emergency Departments: Monthly Management Information. Access at: https://statswales.gov.wales/Catalogue/Health-and-Social-Care/NHS-Hospital-Waiting-Times/Accident-and-Emergency Northern Ireland: NHS Northern Ireland, statistics on Emergency Care Waiting Times by Department and Month. Access at: www.health-ni.gov.uk/articles/emergency-care-waiting-times

93. The proposed model and the CMO's report are available at: www.traumacare.scot

94. National Institute for Health and Care Excellence ( NICE).(2015) Coeliac disease: recognition, assessment and management. Access at: www.nice.org.uk/guidance/ng20

95. Ludvigsson et al. (2014) Diagnosis and management of adult coeliac disease: guidelines from the British Society of Gastroenterology. Access at: www.bsg.org.uk/images/stories/docs/clinical/guidelines/sbn/bsg_coeliac_14.pdf

96. NHS Inform, Coeliac disease (2017). Access at: www.nhsinform.scot/illnesses-and-conditions/stomach-liver-and-gastrointestinal-tract/coeliac-disease

97. NHS Inform, Gluten Free Food Service (2017). Access at: www.nhsinform.scot/care-support-and-rights/nhs-services/pharmacy/gluten-free-food-service

98. Dermatology Patient Pathways website. Access at: www.dermatology.nhs.scot/dermatology-pathways

99. Data is not published but is collected by ISD in the MSK Audit and is available in the Trauma and Orthopaedic Dashboard.

100. Mental Health Strategy 2017-2027, The Scottish Government, March 2017. Access at: www.gov.scot/Publications/2017/03/1750/0

101. Creating a Healthier Scotland, Scottish Government, March 2016. Access at: www.gov.scot/Resource/0049/00497965.pdf

102. Probable Suicides: Deaths which are the Result of Intentional Self-harm or Events of Undetermined Intent, National Records of Scotland. Access at: www.nationalrecordsofscotland.gov.uk/statistics-and-data/statistics/statistics-by-theme/vital-events/deaths/suicides

103. Suicide, The Scottish Public Health Observatory. Access at: www.scotpho.org.uk/health-wellbeing-and-disease/suicide/key-points

104. Further information on the NHS Health Scotland Suicide Prevention Programme can be found at www.chooselife.net

105. Further information on Breathing Space can be found at www.breathingspace.scot

106. Further information on the See Me programme can be found at www.seemescotland.org

107. Pulling Together: Transforming Urgent Care for the People of Scotland - The Report of the Independent Review of Primary Care Out of Hours Services, The Scottish Government, December 2015. Access at: http://www.gov.scot/Publications/2015/11/9014

108. Community Eyecare Services Review, The Scottish Government, April 2017. Access at: http://www.gov.scot/publications/community-eyecare-services-review/

109. A Plan For Scotland: The Scottish Government's Programme For Scotland 2016-17, The Scottish Government, September 2016. Access at: www.gov.scot/publications/plan-scotland-scottish-governments-programme-scotland-2016-17//0

110. Scotland's Oral Health Plan: A Scottish Government Consultation Exercise on the Future of Oral Health, The Scottish Government, September 2016. Access at: www.gov.scot/publications/scotlands-oral-health-plan-scottish-government-consultation-exercise-thr-future/

111. Scotland's Oral Health Plan. A Scottish Government Consultation Exercise on the Future of Oral Health - Analysis of Responses, The Scottish Government, June 2017. Access at: www.gov.scot/publications/scotlands-oral-health-plan-scottish-government-consultation-exercise-future-oral/

112. Fairer Scotland Action Plan, The Scottish Government, October 2016. Access at: www.gov.scot/publications/fairer-scotland-action-plan/

113. Achieving Excellence in Pharmaceutical Care: A Strategy for Scotland, The Scottish Government, August 2017. Access at: www.gov.scot/publications/achieving-excellence-pharmaceutical-care-strategy-scotland/

114. Prescription for Excellence: A Vision and Action Plan for the Right Pharmaceutical Care through Integrated Partnerships and Innovation, The Scottish Government, September 2013. Access at: www.gov.scot/Publications/2013/09/3025

115. Source: Management data, Pharmacy and Medicines Division, The Scottish Government (based on information collected directly from NHS Boards)

116. Review of Access to New Medicines, The Scottish Government, December 2016. Access at: www.gov.scot/publications/review-access-new-medicines//0

117. Polypharmacy Guidance, The Scottish Government, March 2015. Access at: www.sehd.scot.nhs.uk/publications/DC20150415polypharmacy.pdf

118. Kongkaew C, Hann M, Mandal J, Williams SD, Metcalfe D, Noyce PR et al. Risk factors for hospital admissions associated with adverse drug events. Pharmacotherapy. 2013; 33(8): 827- 837.

119. Respiratory Prescribing Strategy 2014 to 2016, Developed by the Respiratory MCN Working Group, The Scottish Government. Access at: www.sehd.scot.nhs.uk/cmo/CMO(2014)14-Respiratory%20Prescribing%20Strategy%20June%202014.pdf

120. Diabetes Prescribing Strategy 2014-16, NHSScotland Diabetes Managed Clinical Network, The Scottish Government. Access at: www.sehd.scot.nhs.uk/cmo/CMO(2014)14-Diabetes%20Prescribing%20Strategy%20June%202014.pdf

121. Prescribing Cost Analysis, ISD 2009/10, 2010/11, 2011/12, 2012/13, 2013/14, 2014/15, 2015/16, 2016/17

122. National Therapeutic Indicators, 2012/13, 2013/14, 2014/15, 2015/16

123. National Therapeutic Indicators, 2012/13, 2013/14, 2014/15, 2015/16

124. Scottish Ambulance Service press release, 16 October 2017. Access at: www.scottishambulance.com/newsDesk/NewsItem.aspx?NewsID=218

125. Scottish Ambulance Service Annual Review Self-Assessment 2016/17. Access at: www.scottishambulance.com/userfiles/file/TheService/2017-04-08AnnualReviewSelfAssessment%20201617%20vFinal.pdf

126. Towards 2020: Taking Care to the Patient, The Scottish Ambulance Service. Access at: www.scottishambulance.com/TheService/towards2020.aspx

127. Scottish Ambulance Service Annual Review Self-Assessment 2016/17. Access at: www.scottishambulance.com/userfiles/file/TheService/2017-04-08AnnualReviewSelfAssessment%20201617%20vFinal.pdf

128. Scottish Ambulance Service Annual Review Self-Assessment 2016/17. Access at: www.scottishambulance.com/userfiles/file/TheService/2017-04-08AnnualReviewSelfAssessment%20201617%20vFinal.pdf

129. Cancer Incidence in Scotland (2015), ISD Scotland, April 2017. Access at: www.isdscotland.org/Health-Topics/Cancer/Publications/2017-04-25/2017-04-25-Cancer-Incidence-Report.pdf

130. Detect Cancer Early Staging Data, Information Services Division. Access at: www.isdscotland.org/Health-Topics/Cancer/Publications/2017-07-25/2017-07-25-DetectCancerEarly-Report.pdf

131. Beating Cancer: Ambition and Action, The Scottish Government, March 2016. Access at: www.gov.scot/Publications/2016/03/9784

132. National Infertility Group Report, The Scottish Government, June 2016. Access at: http://www.gov.scot/publications/national-infertility-group-report/

133. Scottish Diabetes Survey 2015, Scottish Diabetes Survey Monitoring Group. Access at: www.diabetesinscotland.org.uk/Publications/SDS2015.pdf

134. Scottish Diabetes Survey 2016, Scottish Diabetes Survey Monitoring Group. Access at: www.diabetesinscotland.org.uk/Publications/Scottish%20Diabetes%20Survey%202016.pdf

135. National Diabetes Audit ( NADIA). Access at: www.content.digital.nhs.uk/diabetesinpatientaudit

136. All of the resources are available through the iHuB website. Access at: www.ihub.scot/diabetes-think-check-act/learning

137. News item 'Think, Check, Act cuts hypoglycemia by 20 per cent in diabetes patients', 19 June 2015, diabetes.co.uk. Access at: www.diabetes.co.uk/news/2015/jun/think,-check,-act-cuts-hypoglycemia-by-20-per-cent-in-diabetes-patients-90173924.html

138. Inpatient and Day Case Activity, ISD Scotland. Access at: www.isdscotland.org/Health-topics/Hospital-care/Inpatient-and-day-case-activity

139. Report on the Specialist Nursing and Care Fund, The Scottish Government, September 2017. Access at: www.gov.scot/publications/report-specialist-nursing-care-fund/

140. Report on the Specialist Nursing and Care Fund, The Scottish Government, September 2017. Access at: www.gov.scot/publications/report-specialist-nursing-care-fund/

141. Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest: A Strategy for Scotland, The Scottish Government, March 2015. Access at: www.gov.scot/Publications/2015/03/7484

142. Source: Save a Life for Scotland website, June 2017. Access at: www.savealife.scot

143. NHSScotland Standards for Organisational Resilience, The Scottish Government, May 2016. Access at: www.readyscotland.org/media/1157/nhsscotland-standards-for-organisational-resilience-1st-edition-may-2016.pdf

144. Report of the Second Phase of the Review of NHS Pathology Services in England, Chaired by Lord Carter of Coles, Department of Health, 2008. Access at: http://webarchive.nationalarchives.gov.uk/20130124044941/http://www.dh.gov.uk/prod_consum_dh/groups/dh_digitalassets/@dh/@en/documents/digitalasset/dh_091984.pdf

145. Realising Realistic Medicine, The Scottish Government, February 2017. Access at: www.gov.scot/publications/chief-medical-officer-scotland-annual-report-2015-16-realising-realistic-9781786526731/

146. Further information on the Scottish Genomes Partnership can be found at: www.scottishgenomespartnership.org

147. Further information on the Scottish Primary Care Information Resource ( SPIRE) can be found at: www.spire.scot

148. NHS inform can be accessed at: www.nhsinform.scot

149. Further information on United4Health can be found at: www.sctt.org.uk/programmes/home-and-mobile-monitoring/united4health-new/project-main-achievements-eu-level-outcomes

150. A National Service Model for Home and Mobile Health Monitoring, Scottish Centre for Telehealth and Telecare. Access at: www.sctt.org.uk/programmes/home-and-mobile-monitoring/national-service-model-home-mobile-health-monitoring

151. Technology Enabled Care Strategic Briefing Paper: Responding to the fast growing demand for health services in a resource constrained environment. Access at: www.sctt.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/TEC-Strategic-Briefing-Note-Final-Version-HMHM-March-2017SH.pdf

152. National Records of Scotland: Age-standardised Death Rates Calculated Using the European Standard Population. Access at: https://www.nrscotland.gov.uk/statistics-and-data/statistics/statistics-by-theme/vital-events/deaths/age-standardised-death-rates-calculated-using-the-esp

153. Changing Scotland's Relationship with Alcohol: A Framework for Action. Access at: www.gov.scot/Publications/2009/03/04144703/0

154. Information Services Division Publication Summary: Alcohol Brief Interventions 2016/17. Access at: www.isdscotland.org/Health-Topics/Drugs-and-Alcohol-Misuse/Publications/2017-06-27/2017-06-27-AlcoholBriefInterventions-Summary.pdf

155. Information Services Division Publication Summary: National Drug and Alcohol Treatment Waiting Times Summary January – March 2017. Access at: www.isdscotland.org/Health-Topics/Drugs-and-Alcohol-Misuse/Publications/2017-06-27/2017-06-27-DATWT-Summary.pdf

156. Scottish Health Survey 2016. Access at: www.gov.scot/Topics/Statistics/Browse/Health/scottish-health-survey

157. Scottish Public Health Observatory ( ScotPHO) [2015]. ScotPHO Online Profiles Tool. Access at: www.scotpho.org.uk/comparative-health/profiles/online-profiles-tool

158. Scottish Public Health Observatory ( ScotPHO) [2012]. ScotPHO Smoking Ready Reckoner - 2011 Edition. Access at: http://www.scotpho.org.uk/publications/reports-and-papers/smoking-ready-reckoner

159. Tobacco Control Strategy - Creating a Tobacco-Free Generation, The Scottish Government, March 2013. Access at: www.gov.scot/Publications/2013/03/3766

160. Scottish Health Survey 2016. Access at: www.gov.scot/Topics/Statistics/Browse/Health/scottish-health-survey

161. NHS Smoking Cessation Statistics (Scotland) 2016/17, October 2017, ISD Scotland. Access at: www.isdscotland.org/Health-Topics/Public-Health/Publications/2017-10-24/2017-10-24-SmokingCessation-Report.pdf

162. Scottish Health Survey 2016. Access at: www.gov.scot/Topics/Statistics/Browse/Health/scottish-health-survey

163. Further information on the proposed Soft Drinks Industry Levy can be found at: www.gov.uk/government/publications/budget-2016-documents/budget-2016

164. Unpublished, commercially sensitive data indicates a shift in behaviours

165. A gender-sensitised weight loss and healthy living programme for overweight and obese men delivered by Scottish Premier League football clubs ( FFIT): a pragmatic randomised controlled trial. Access at: www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(13)62420-4/abstract

166. Scottish Health Survey 2016. Access at: www.gov.scot/Topics/Statistics/Browse/Health/scottish-health-survey

167. Care… About Physical Activity: Promoting physical activity in care homes in Scotland – a good practice resource pack, The Care Inspectorate. Access at: www.careinspectorate.com/images/documents/2732/Physical%20activity%20guidance%20booklet.pdf

168. No published evaluation at this stage. Formal evaluation is at an early stage but the evidence so far is encouraging with: people experiencing care improved in the number of sit to stands they could complete after six weeks, by on average one stand, and in some cases up to four stands; and on average, at baseline people experiencing care had a medium fall risk, according to the Berg Balance scale. Those measured at six weeks reported higher average scores in standing and sitting unsupported, standing to sitting and standing with eyes closed than at baseline.

169. MacDonald W, Beck S, Scott E. Briefing on child poverty: Evidence for Action, NHS Health Scotland, 2013. Access at: www.healthscotland.com/uploads/documents/20578-ChildpovertybriefingMarch2013.pdf

170. Poverty and Income Inequality in Scotland: 2015/16, The Scottish Government, March 2017. Access at: www.gov.scot/publications/poverty-income-inequality-scotland-2015-16/

171. Journal of Clinical Pathology, BMJ Journals / Volume 68, Issue 2. Access at: www.jcp.bmj.com/content/68/2/135.long

172. Human papillomavirus - vaccination campaign impact. Access at: www.hps.scot.nhs.uk/haiic/ic/wrdetail.aspx?id=72701&wrtype=2

173. Source: ISD Scotland, Delayed discharges – bed days occupied

174. Everyone Matters: 2020 Workforce Vision. Access at: www.workforcevision.scot.nhs.uk

175. ISD Scotland Workforce Statistics. Access at: http://www.isdscotland.org/Health-Topics/Workforce/

176. National Health and Social Care Workforce Plan - Part One a framework for improving workforce planning across NHSScotland, The Scottish Government, June 2017. Access at: www.gov.scot/publications/national-health-social-care-workforce-plan-part-1-framework-improving/

177. Further information on the Safe and Effective Staffing in Health and Social Care Consultation which opened on 11 April and closed on 5 July 2017 can be found at: https://consult.gov.scot/nursing-and-midwifery/safe-and-effective-staffing-in-health-care-setting/

178. Scottish Government press release, 10 February 2016. Access at: https://news.gov.scot/news/a-modern-health-workforce. Further information can be found in A Plan For Scotland: The Scottish Government's Programme For Scotland 2016-17. Access at: www.gov.scot/publications/plan-scotland-scottish-governments-programme-scotland-2016-17//6

179. Scottish Government press release 9 August 2016. Access at: https://news.gov.scot/news/drive-to-recruit-gp-trainees. Further information can be found in A Plan For Scotland: The Scottish Government's Programme For Scotland 2016-17. Access at: www.gov.scot/publications/plan-scotland-scottish-governments-programme-scotland-2016-17//6

180. Further information on the bursary can be found at: www.scotmt.scot.nhs.uk/recruitment/gp-recruitment/feb-18-intake-scottish-targeted-enhanced-recruitment-scheme-round-2-2017.aspx

181. A Plan For Scotland: The Scottish Government's Programme For Scotland 2016-17, the Scottish Government, September 2016. Access at: www.gov.scot/publications/plan-scotland-scottish-governments-programme-scotland-2016-17/

182. Management Data, NHS Education for Scotland


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