
NHSScotland Efficiency and Productivity: Framework for SR10

The Framework’s main purpose is to identify priority areas to improve quality and efficiency. The Framework is a companion to the Quality Strategy and provides a baseline for the changes that will need to be undertaken by the Scottish Government Health Directorates (SGHD), NHS Boards and other public sector organisations.

6 Conclusion

NHSScotland is moving into an unprecedented period of resource constraint and will need to save a minimum of 3% efficiency savings in 2011/12 with further savings over the Spending Review period. Successful achievement of this will require a fundamental realignment of how we use resources within NHSScotland.

There will be a need to focus not only on the 'what' but also the 'how'. The NHS faces serious challenges over the coming years: not only will there be a need to make significant improvements in efficiency and productivity, there will also be a need to make choices on the best configuration of services that can sustain and improve quality while demonstrating efficiency and releasing real cost savings. However, it is important to ensure that innovation and creativity are seen as allies to this challenge to ensure improvements to patient care and make the best use of the resources available. There will need to be a balance between focussing on the savings to be made and ensuring best value for the funding available. A balance is also necessary in identifying and implementing short-term, in-year savings and planning for the long-term savings required to meet the recurring financial challenge over a number of years. And all of this needs to happen with the context of promoting a mutual NHS where patients, the public and staff are engaged in decision making about service change.

The vision for the end of the Spending Review period and beyond will be one of NHSScotland providing high quality, efficient and responsive public service, showing demonstrable value for money. This revised Framework sets out our approach to working towards this vision.

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