
NHSScotland Induction Approach: What Non-Executive Directors can expect

This resource is a standard approach to induction for Non-Executive Directors of Health Bodies.


Jeane Freeman

Appointed by Scottish Ministers, our Non-Executive Directors play an essential role in governing the quality and performance of the delivery of health and social care services to the people of Scotland. It is, therefore, essential that all new Non-Executive Directors receive a good quality induction which equips them with the basic knowledge about the national structure and policies of NHSScotland and their role on the Board.

This resource has been developed for Chairs and Non-Executive Directors working in national or local NHS Boards. It sets out a standard approach to induction, which can then be tailored locally, to meet the different needs of Boards and individual Non-Executive Directors. For Chairs, it serves as a guide to what the Board should be providing new Non-Executive Directors and for Non-Executive Directors, what they can expect from their induction programme.

A good quality approach to induction is just the beginning. Non-Executive Directors bring a range of different skills, knowledge and experience to Boards and as such will require a learning and development programme tailored to their individual needs.

On behalf of the Chairs of NHS Boards, I hope you find this resource useful.

Jeane Freeman
Chair of Golden Jubilee Foundation Board

The role of a Non-Executive

Non-Executive Directors' Development Event 2014, Scottish Government


Email: Sarah Hildersley

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