
NHSScotland maternity policy: equality impact assessment

National equality impact assessments were undertaken as part of the policy development process to refresh the extant NHSScotland Partnership Information Network (PIN) workforce policies. This report summarises key findings from the equality impact assessment record prepared for the NHSScotland maternity policy.

3. The Scope of the EQIA

On the basis that the policy and associated supporting documents set the standard for employment practice for all NHS Boards in Scotland to follow, a full EQIA was deemed appropriate.

The EQIA is based on a thorough analysis of existing evidence and data. Its purpose is to identify and understand the potential impacts that the NHSScotland Maternity Policy may have on individuals with protected characteristics, as defined in the Equality Act 2010.

Specifically, the EQIA assesses the impacts of applying the revised policy against the needs relevant to a public authority’s obligations under the Public Sector Equality Duty. The needs are to:

  • eliminate discrimination, harassment and victimisation
  • advance equality of opportunity
  • foster good relations

In addition to the stakeholder engagement noted above, evidence was gathered from a broad range of sources. Data was reviewed from the following national data sets:

  • NHSScotland Workforce data
  • The Scottish Household Survey
  • Labour market statistics

During the consultation on the draft policy, there was a specific question aimed at gathering views on how the policy might impact on different equality groups.

In addition to the protected characteristics outlined in the Equality Act 2010, the exercise also considered broader socio-economic considerations in alignment with the commitment to the Fairer Scotland Duty. The findings are recorded in the Fairer Scotland Duty Results for the collection of Supporting Work Life Balance policies.



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