
NHS Scotland performance against LDP standards

Performance data on the current Local Delivery Plan (LDP) Standards - priorities set and agreed between the Scottish Government and NHS Boards to provide assurance on NHS Scotland performance. 

This guide provide information about NHSScotland performance against the Local Delivery Plan (LDP) Standards 2015/2016 which contribute towards delivery of the Scottish Government's Purpose and National Outcomes; and NHSScotland's Quality Ambitions.

LDP Standards are priorities that are set and agreed between the Scottish Government and NHS Boards to provide assurance on NHSScotland performance. 

The LDP Standards now replace the system of HEAT targets and Standards with the vast majority of LDP Standards being former HEAT targets.

Please note that ambulance response times are a standard for the Scottish Ambulance Service

Further information

LDP Standards within Scotland Performs are based on year of delivery. The Standards are presented separately in the list above and each link to a single page giving easy to follow access to that specific topic area.

More information on performance management can be found on our website together with the NHSScotland LDP Guidance 2015-16 document.

Information on when the next publication of statistics which relate to LDP Standards can be found in the updates section

Information about progress against HEAT Targets due for delivery in 2014/2015 is in the website archive.

You can find historic information on HEAT targets in the website archive.


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