
NHSScotland Staff Survey 2015 National Report

This National Report provides an overview of the results of the 2015 NHSScotland Staff Survey. The National Staff Survey gives all NHSScotland staff the opportunity to provide feedback on their experience of working for the organisation.

Appendix C: Results by NHS Board

This section comprises of a series of tables showing the percentage of positive responses received for each question, by each NHS Board in NHSScotland. For ease of reading, Boards have been grouped into three categories: Mainland Boards, Island Boards and National Bodies / Special Boards.

Appendix C ‐ Results by NHS Board ‐ Mainland Health Boards

Table 1 ‐ Percentage of positive responses to questions relating to the overall experience of working for NHSScotland, by NHS Board.

Note: Sub questions for Q4‐8 A to F, Q5‐9 A to F and Q5‐15 A to F are not reported here due to the complexity of presenting the multiple reasons for not reporting. Responses to negatively‐phrased questions have been treated in reverse to allow direct comparison with positively‐worded questions.

There may be variation up to 1% when compared to the Frequency Data due to rounding.

Table 1 ‐ Percentage of positive responses to questions relating to the overall experience of working for NHSScotland, by NHS Board.

Table 1 ‐ Percentage of positive responses to questions relating to the overall experience of working for NHSScotland, by NHS Board.

Table 1 ‐ Percentage of positive responses to questions relating to the overall experience of working for NHSScotland, by NHS Board.

Table 1 ‐ Percentage of positive responses to questions relating to the overall experience of working for NHSScotland, by NHS Board.

Appendix C ‐ Results by NHS Board ‐ Island Boards and National Bodies/Special Boards

Table 2 ‐ Percentage of positive responses to questions relating to the overall experience of working for NHSScotland, by NHS Board.

Note: Sub questions for Q4‐8 A to F, Q5‐9 A to F and Q5‐15 A to F are not reported here due to the complexity of presenting the multiple reasons for not reporting.
Responses to negatively‐phrased questions have been treated in reverse to allow direct comparison with positively‐worded questions.

There may be variation up to 1% when compared to the Frequency Data report due to rounding.

Table 2 ‐ Percentage of positive responses to questions relating to the overall experience of working for NHSScotland, by NHS Board.

Table 2 ‐ Percentage of positive responses to questions relating to the overall experience of working for NHSScotland, by NHS Board.

Table 2 ‐ Percentage of positive responses to questions relating to the overall experience of working for NHSScotland, by NHS Board.

Table 2 ‐ Percentage of positive responses to questions relating to the overall experience of working for NHSScotland, by NHS Board.


Email: Malcolm Summers

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