
NHSScotland Staff Survey 2015 National Report

This National Report provides an overview of the results of the 2015 NHSScotland Staff Survey. The National Staff Survey gives all NHSScotland staff the opportunity to provide feedback on their experience of working for the organisation.


1 'Everyone Matters' and accompanying documents are available at

2 Source: ISD, employee headcount numbers as at 30th June 2015, total for NHSScotland

3 Percentage response calculated according to the number of NHSScotland staff in post (headcount) on 30th June 2015. (Source: NHS Scotland Workforce)

4 A member of staff may be employed by more than one NHS Board; however each member of staff is counted only once in the NHSScotland headcount total.

5 Percentage response calculated according to the number of NHSScotland staff in post (headcount) on 30th June 2015. (Source: NHS Scotland Workforce)

6 A member of staff may be employed by more than one NHS Board; however each member of staff is counted only once in the NHSScotland headcount total.

7 Each of these questions referred to the Health Board relevant to staff completing the questionnaire

8 Each of these questions referred to the Health Board relevant to staff completing the questionnaire

9 Each of these questions referred to the Health Board relevant to staff completing the questionnaire


Email: Malcolm Summers

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