No One Left Behind: employability strategic plan 2024 to 2027

Outlines the key priorities for No One Left Behind over the next three years, and identifies the actions we will take to deliver on these priorities, reaffirming our commitment to continuous improvement.


1 Poverty and Income Inequality in Scotland 2020-23 (

2 Scotland’s Labour Market Insights: July 2024 - (

3 Scotland’s Labour Market Insights: July 2024 - (

4 Scotland’s Labour Market Insights: April 2024 - (

5 Measuring Scotland’s Performance as a Leading Fair Work Nation (

6 Scotland’s Labour Market Insights: April 2024 - (

7 Scotland’s Labour Market: People, Places and Regions – Protected Characteristics. Statistics from the Annual Population Survey 2021 - (

8 London School of Economics (2018). Supporting unpaid carers to remain in employment.

9 Fair Start Scotland Evaluation Report 3: Overview of year 2 (November 2020) (

10 Fair Start Scotland Evaluation Report 4: Overview of Year 3 (

11 Fair Start Scotland Evaluation Report 5 (

12 Fair Start Scotland - individual placement and support review: findings - (

13 Fair Start Scotland Evaluation Report 3: Overview of year 2 (November 2020) (

14 Internal quarterly management information provided by local authorities

15 Feedback gathered on post it notes at the national discussion events in 2023

16 Best Start, Bright Futures: tackling child poverty delivery plan 2022 to 2026 - (

17 Poverty and Income Inequality in Scotland 2020-23 (

18 Scottish Child Payment extension a “watershed” - already showing that poverty can be tackled with political will | Joseph Rowntree Foundation (

19 Delivering for families? | Joseph Rowntree Foundation (

20 Although not specific to parents, this broader holistic support is particularly critical for those at risk of, and experiencing poverty.

21 Scotland’s Devolved Employment Services: Statistical Summary July 2024 - (


23 Celebrating three years of funded childcare - (

24 Scotland’s Devolved Employment Services: Statistical Summary July 2024 - (

25 ONS Annual Population Survey (Jan – Dec 2023).

26 Scotland’s Labour Market Insights: April 2024 - (

27 Labour Market Statistics for Scotland by Disability: January to December 2022 - (

28 Source: Annual Population Survey, April 2023-March 2024, ONS. Notes:

1. Levels rounded to the nearest hundred.

2. Proportions calculated on unrounded estimates.

29 Source: Annual Population Survey, January to December datasets, ONS. Notes:

1. The disability employment rate gap is calculated as the Employment rate for non-disabled people aged 16-64 minus the Employment rate for disabled people aged 16-64

2. The gap is expressed in terms of percentage points and has been calculated using the unrounded employment rate estimates.

30 Scotland’s Devolved Employment Services: Statistical Summary July 2024 - (

31 Scotland’s Devolved Employment Services: Statistical Summary July 2024 - (

32 Fair Start Scotland - individual placement and support review: findings - (

33 Review of Supported Employment within Scotland: Findings and Recommendations (

34 The Commission on the Future of Employment Support: Interim Report

35 The Commission on the Future of Employment Support: Launch Report

36 The Commission on the Future of Employment Support: Launch Report

37 Industries | My World of Work (



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