No One Left Behind: employability strategic plan 2024 to 2027

Outlines the key priorities for No One Left Behind over the next three years, and identifies the actions we will take to deliver on these priorities, reaffirming our commitment to continuous improvement.

1. Plan on a page

Employability policy contributes to national outcomes focussed on:

  • Fair Work and Business
  • Human Rights
  • Poverty
  • Children and Young People
  • Communities
  • Health
  • Education
  • Economy

Strategic Context - National Strategy for Economic Transformation; Fair Work Action plan; Best Start, Bright Futures; Verity House Agreement and COSLA Plan

Our Policy Vision - To deliver an employability system that tackles inequalities in Scotland’s labour market, creating a responsive and aligned approach that helps people of all ages who face the greatest barriers to progress towards, into and to sustain work.

Our strategic priorities:

  • Continuing to improve the employability system
  • Increasing awareness and uptake of employability support
  • Tackling child poverty by increasing parental income from employment
  • Supporting disabled people and those with a long term health condition Delivering jointly with wider public services Working with employers to improve outcomes
  • Supporting a just transition and net zero


  • Supporting the creation of a labour market that is fair, inclusive and provides sustainable and well-paid jobs.
  • Enabling equal access to an increased range of opportunities whilst challenging bias, structural and personal barriers.
  • Helping people into fair and sustainable jobs to deliver inclusive growth, tackle child poverty and support better health.
  • Providing person-centred support to people who wish to work but face barriers to do so.

Our Principles:

  • Provide flexible and person-centred support
  • Integrated and aligned with other services
  • Driven by evidence, including data and the experience of users
  • Straightforward for people to navigate
  • Provide pathways into sustainable and fair work
  • Support more people to move into the right job, at the right time

Our Values:

  • Dignity and Respect
  • Fairness and Equality
  • Continuous Improvement

Shared Measurement Framework

Customer Charter

Service Standards



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