
No One Left Behind: employability strategic plan 2024 to 2027

Outlines the key priorities for No One Left Behind over the next three years, and identifies the actions we will take to deliver on these priorities, reaffirming our commitment to continuous improvement.

8. Conclusion

This plan has been set out to be ambitious in building on established policy aims, the recommendations presented through previous evaluations and the findings of the national discussion events. However, this plan will not be delivered by a single organisation, policy or service. In order to deliver on the priorities outlined here, we need to ensure broad buy-in from a range of partners, and focus our actions on achieving tangible improvements over the lifetime of the plan.

We are committed to transparency when it comes to the priorities and actions set out in this plan. To support this, we will commit to publish annual updates which will share progress, highlight good practice across the employability system, present the benefits realised by people accessing services, and address challenges that arise head on.



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