
No One Left Behind: equality impact assessment - update summary

No One Left Behind is our approach to transforming employment support in Scotland. It aims to deliver a system that is more tailored and responsive to the needs of people of all ages, especially those who are disadvantaged in the labour market.

Summary of aims and desired outcomes of Policy

The Scottish Government aims to support the delivery of a fairer Scotland through addressing existing social and economic inequalities and preventing those who are most vulnerable from being further disadvantaged by facilitating and funding effective transitions into the labour market.

Scotland's Labour Market plays a vital role in helping to create a wellbeing economy that thrives across economic, social and environmental dimensions. Published in spring 2022, the National Strategy for Economic Transformation (NSET) sets out our vision for an economy that is more productive and suffers from fewer structural inequalities.

Scotland's labour market is a key component in driving economic growth, inclusivity and equality. Through the actions we are taking we will deliver a labour market that is inclusive and offers equality of opportunity for all to access and to progress in work and to ensure everyone can reach their full potential, and has high economic participation, including from those furthest from the labour market, to improve outcomes for individuals and drive national economic performance through higher rates of employment.

Our No One Left Behind approach offers an all age, flexible, joined up and user centred model to deliver employability support across Scotland. This support will be straightforward to navigate and is integrated and aligned with other services, particularly health, justice and housing provision. This approach has changed the way Scottish Government funds employability support delivery and in the longer term is intended to result in efficiencies and service improvements being achieved.

The aim of No One Left Behind is to integrate investment currently supporting national employability programmes into a new co-funding arrangement managed collaboratively between Scottish Government and Local Government. Local Authorities, acting as a lead accountable body, will provide local leadership and ensure a partnership approach in the planning, procurement and delivery of services for their local communities. The key local partners include other public sector e.g. NHS, DWP, Skills Development Scotland, Further Education institutions, Third Sector representation and potentially local employers representative organisations.

The implementation of No One Left Behind will result in a transformational change in the delivery of employability services and support. The user voice will inform the design and development of inputs and ensure key and priority groups are included. The services will be based around the role of the Key Worker who works with individuals to identify, prioritise and access the necessary actions and inputs required to assist progression into Fair Work.

No One Left Behind is entirely voluntary and ensures people progress towards work. The delivery is designed to ensure dignity, respect and fairness.

Directorate: Division Team

Fair Work Employability & Skills: Employability Division



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