
Non-binary equality action plan

The actions we will take to improve equality and bring about real, positive and lasting change to the lives of non-binary people in Scotland

Section 4 - Understanding the Plan


Our aim is for this plan to include a wide range of deliverable actions for the period 2023-2028, which will bring about real, positive and lasting change to the lives of non-binary people in Scotland. This plan represents the beginning of our work to improve non-binary equality.


We have separated the plan into six key themes, which are:

  • Participation in Decision-Making
  • Healthcare
  • Legislation, Guidance, Access to Services and IT Systems
  • Data and Research
  • Children and Young People
  • Sport


The plan was developed from the agreed and partially agreed recommendations in our Scottish Government response to the report and recommendations of the Working Group on Non-Binary Equality. Our commitments reflect the recommendations of the Working Group on Non-Binary Equality. Where we accepted a recommendation, the wording of the commitment relating to that recommendation remains the same. Where we partially accepted a recommendation, our commitment reflects the aspects of the recommendation that we accepted. The numbering of the commitments reflects that of the recommendations and the relevant commitments for each theme are included at the start of each theme section for context.


This provides detail on what activity we will carry out to deliver the commitment.


This shows the impact that the actions are intended to have on non-binary people, such as removing particular barriers, improving access and increasing awareness.


This shows who we will work with to deliver the actions.


The timescales for delivering the actions are short term, medium term and long-term:

Short term – to be delivered by the end of 2024

Medium term – to be delivered by the end of 2026

Long-term – to be delivered by the end of 2028 or an ongoing commitment



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