
Non-binary equality action plan

The actions we will take to improve equality and bring about real, positive and lasting change to the lives of non-binary people in Scotland

Section 5 - Monitoring and Measuring our Progress


We recognise the importance of being accountable for our progress on implementing the actions in this plan and realising the commitments.

We will implement an informal governance structure which includes engagement with former Group members and non-binary people, as well as stakeholder organisations who campaign for non-binary equality. This more informal approach will favour flexibility over formality and will minimise the demand on community members of ongoing engagement. The choice to engage on the delivery of the plan will sit entirely with individuals.

Monitoring and Evaluation

Despite making progress in recent years, we recognise that there remain gaps in the non-binary equality evidence base. Many data sets used by the Scottish Government, such as population surveys, cannot currently produce robust data for smaller groups in Scotland’s population including non-binary people. Where evidence is available, this is presented on the Scottish Government’s Equality Evidence Finder platform. It is anticipated that priority evidence gaps for non-binary people will be identified, agreed and filled in the coming years, including through the actions set out in this plan.

Progress towards achieving the actions set out in this plan will be regularly monitored and reported on annually, and additional evidence gathering will be considered to inform our understanding of the impact of the plan on the lives of non-binary people in Scotland.

The National Performance Framework (NPF) is the strategic wellbeing framework for all of Scotland. It consists of 81 National Indicators that measure progress towards the 11 National Outcomes that describe the kind of Scotland in which we all want to live. The NPF does not own the data that supply the National Indicators, thus we are reliant on what is collected by the data owners in regards to what we can report. The data sets that supply the NPF do not currently include data on non-binary people. We provide available equality data via the NPF database that can be downloaded from our website and we also provide links to the Equality Evidence Finder where further equality evidence may be available.


We will publish an annual report on the Scottish Government website, which will provide detail on the progress we are making on the objectives and actions in this plan.

In addition, we will report our progress to the former members of the Group, and provide their feedback to relevant Scottish Government officials to consider in taking forward their actions.

The Minister for Equalities, Migration and Refugees will also meet with the group to discuss progress on the plan, as capacity allows.

Vision, Values, Outcomes and Objectives


Our vision is for Scotland to be a place where everyone’s identity is recognised, respected and celebrated. It should be a place where everybody can participate, access rights and opportunities and thrive in society.


We are a society which treats all our people with kindness, dignity, and compassion, respects the rule of law and acts in an open and transparent way.

National Outcomes

Human Rights: we respect, protect and fulfil human rights and live free from discrimination.

Communities: we live in communities that are inclusive, empowered, resilient and safe.

Health: we are healthy and active.

Children and Young People: we grow up loved, safe and respected so that they realise their full potential.


Participation in Decision-Making

Non-binary people feel more empowered and able to participate in decision-making regardless of their socio-economic background.


Non-binary people are increasingly able to access high quality, person centred healthcare they need, at a place and time that is appropriate for them.

Legislation, Guidance, Access to Services and IT Systems

The development of legislation, guidance and policy takes into account the non-binary community and removes barriers to non-binary people accessing services.

Data and Research

More robust and comprehensive data and evidence will be gathered on the characteristics and experiences of non-binary people in Scotland.

Children and Young People

Schools and support services have more inclusive processes and practices that take into account the needs of non-binary children and young people.


Non-binary people increasingly feel able to take part in sport.



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