
Non-binary equality action plan

The actions we will take to improve equality and bring about real, positive and lasting change to the lives of non-binary people in Scotland

Section 6 - 1. Participation in Decision-Making


Non-binary people feel more empowered and able to participate in decision-making regardless of their socio-economic background.


To improve the lives of non-binary people, we must meaningfully involve them in our decision-making so that they have the opportunity to fully participate in decisions that affect their lives. We need to remove barriers, address power imbalances, make our decision-making processes accessible and pay people for their time and contributions.

Ensuring genuine participation in decision-making for non-binary people will result in policy-making and legislation that is more inclusively designed and underpins all the commitments, and their related actions, in this plan.

The Participation Framework was developed as part of Scotland’s Open Government commitments to improve the way people are involved in Scottish Government policy-making and service delivery. It is a toolkit that Scottish Government staff can refer to when making decisions about participation within their policy area.

It guides good practice in participation across government by:

  • informing staff about participation, participatory methods and when to use them
  • providing a guide to developing an effective participation strategy
  • supporting informed conversations with colleagues and analysts to develop and deliver effective participation signposting to further resources

This aligns with our Scottish Approach to Government, which sets out ways that people can participate to influence policy, service design and decision-making. This approach is based on two key principles: that people have the right to contribute to, and to influence, the decisions that affect their lives, choices and life chances; and that involving the people likely to be affected by the decision in the process results in better decision-making.


Our commitments reflect the recommendations of the Working Group on Non-Binary Equality. Where we accepted a recommendation, the wording of the commitment relating to that recommendation remains the same. Where we partially accepted a recommendation, our commitment reflects the aspects of the recommendation that we accepted. The numbering of the commitments reflects that of the recommendations. The commitment used to develop this section of the plan is as follows:

Commitment 1

Meaningfully include marginalised people in decision-making by making processes accessible, including through financially compensating individuals for their time and contributions, and by prioritising the participation of people who are marginalised in multiple ways.

Participation in Decision-Making


1.1 We will develop guidance and a process for paying participant expenses[12] and compensating participants for their time when taking part in projects.




Short Term


This will remove some barriers that multiply marginalised people (including non-binary people) experience, enabling them to participate meaningfully and be involved in decision-making processes, covering the costs of their involvement in addition to recognising the value of their contribution.

This recognises that multiply marginalised people often face higher costs for their involvement.

Addressing some of these barriers will result in policy making and legislation that is more inclusively designed.


1.2 We will seek to influence Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) with the aim that payment for involvement in participatory projects does not negatively impact those who are claiming DWP benefits.




Short Term


Seeking to change DWP’s approach to payment to claimants will, if successful, remove risk and potential financial harm to participants.


1.3 We will continue to improve the Scottish Government’s Participation Framework, starting with a focus on improving its coverage of inclusive practice.




Short Term


The Participation Framework is currently being updated following equalities-focused workshops with the public and stakeholders. This will result in guidance that focuses on the needs and priorities of multiply marginalised groups, including non-binary people.



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