
Procurement - non domestic energy efficiency project support unit framework 2020 to 2024: guide

Guidance for public sector organisations on how to access and use the framework agreement.

The re-procurement of the Non-Domestic Energy Efficiency – Project Support Unit framework is currently underway with the current framework being reviewed to ensure that the future framework will align with current Scottish Government Policy and industry best practices.

Please be advised that it is still the intention to progress the procurement of this project, which is currently subject to our internal governance and approval route before approaching the market. The internal approvals route has impacted upon delays to the original anticipated procurement dates; however, once approvals are granted an updated project plan will be developed and procurement dates shared via this website. 

Once the procurement exercise is complete and framework awarded contractual information, including links to framework documentation and buyers guides will be made available on this webpage and on the knowledge hub.

As part of the re-procurement process, we are currently considering the new overall value of the Framework to ensure it is realistic, clear and transparent. Any potential users considering use of the new framework, once placed, should contact the mailbox below with regards to future potential pipelines of work via the PSU – SPSHD.



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