
Non-Domestic Rates Relief Statistics 2022

This publication provides statistics on the numbers of recipients and values of Non-Domestic Rates reliefs in Scotland, including breakdowns by relief, property type and local authority area, and additional information on SBBS.

Non-domestic rates reliefs as at 1 July 2022

The number and proportion of properties in receipt of relief

Table 1 and Figure 1 show the most commonly awarded reliefs. These are SBBS, Charity, and reliefs and exemptions for unoccupied properties. The figures are presented as a proportion of all awards, and the value of those reliefs as a proportion of the value of all reliefs.

Together, these three reliefs accounted for 93% of all relief awards and 79% of the value of all reliefs.

Figure 1: Proportion of total reliefs awarded by number and value
Stacked bar chart showing the proportion of the number of reliefs awarded, and of the total value of reliefs awarded, accounted for by SBBS, Charity, and Empty Property relief. Source data is available in Table 1.
Table 1: Proportion of total reliefs awarded, by number and value
Relief proportion Small Business Bonus Scheme Charity Empty property Other reliefs
Number of reliefs awarded 72% 12% 9% 7%
Value of reliefs awarded 38% 31% 11% 21%

Please note:

Charity relief includes both mandatory and discretionary elements.

Empty property relief includes relief for unoccupied properties, exemptions for unoccupied listed properties, and exemptions for other unoccupied properties.

The number of properties in receipt of relief

Table 2a shows the number of properties in receipt of relief, and the number of reliefs awarded, as at 1 June 2021 and 1 July 2022.

The number of properties receiving relief has decreased from 172,290 in 2021 to 161,390 in 2022, primarily due to the expiration of the RHL relief. The number of properties receiving 100% relief has similarly decreased, from 158,790 to 145,370.

The number of properties receiving 100% SBBS has increased from 111,180 in 2021 to 114,880 in 2022. The lower number in 2021 is likely due to reviews of SBBS which several local authorities ran in 2021. These reviews may involve cancelling reliefs and inviting ratepayers to reapply, which reduced the number of properties reported with SBBS in the 2021 snapshot, even though many of the awards were expected to be reinstated later in the year.

Table 2a: Number of properties in receipt of relief, and number of reliefs awarded
Number of properties in receipt of relief 2021 (as at 1 June) 2022 (as at 1 July)
Number of properties on Valuation Roll, including zero-rated properties; 259,010 260,840
Of which non-zero-rated [note 1] 252,430 254,170
Number of properties receiving one or more reliefs 172,290 161,390
Number of properties receiving 100% relief; 158,790 145,370
of which 100% Small Business Bonus Scheme (SBBS) relief [note 4] 111,180 114,880
of which 100% Retail Hospitality and Leisure (RHLA) relief [note 5] 15,510 [d]
of which 100% other relief 28,150 29,340
of which a combination of SBBS and RHLA relief [note 4, 5] 1,970 [d]
of which a combination of SBBS and other relief [note 4] 1,180 1,140
of which a combination of RHLA and other relief [note 5] 800 [d]
Total number of reliefs awarded 184,250 170,620

For numbered notes, see the notes to tables section of this publication.

In addition, please note:

  • The Retail, Hospitality, Leisure and Aviation (RHLA) was available in 2020-21 and 2021-22. For the first three months of 2022-23, it was replaced by the Retail, Hospitality and Leisure (RHL) relief.
  • 'Other relief' includes all reliefs except SBBS and RHLA relief.
  • 'Of which a combination of SBBS and RHLA' relief also includes properties receiving SBBS, RHLA and one or more other reliefs.

The proportion of properties in receipt of relief

Overall, 63% of all properties were in receipt of at least one relief, compared to 68% in 2021. 57% of all properties received 100% relief, compared to 63% in 2021. The proportion of properties receiving 100% SBBS relief increased by one percentage point to 45%.

Table 2b: Proportion of properties in receipt of relief, and reliefs awarded
Relief proportions 2021 (as at 1 June) 2022 (as at 1 July)
Proportion of properties receiving one or more reliefs 68% 63%
Proportion of properties receiving 100% relief; 63% 57%
of which 100% Small Business Bonus (SBBS) relief [note 4] 44% 45%
of which 100% Retail Hospitality and Leisure (RHLA) relief [note 5] 6% [d]
of which 100% other relief 11% 12%
of which a combination of SBBS and RHLA relief [note 4, 5] 1% [d]
of which a combination of SBBS and other relief [note 4] 0% 0%
of which a combination of RHLA and other relief [note 5] 0% [d]

For numbered notes, see the notes to tables section of this publication.

In addition, please note:

  • The RHLA was available in 2020-21 and 2021-22. For the first three months of 2022-23, it was replaced by the RHL relief.
  • 'Other relief' includes all reliefs except SBBS and RHLA relief.
  • 'Of which a combination of SBBS and RHLA' relief also includes properties receiving SBBS, RHLA and one or more other reliefs.

Number, proportion and value of reliefs by relief

Table 3 shows the number, proportion and value of reliefs awarded by relief type at the snapshot date in 2022.

Tables 3a to 3d are available in the publication tables workbook, and contain comparisons of figures presented in Table 3 for previous years (2018 to 2021).

The most frequently awarded relief was SBBS relief, followed by Charity relief, and the reliefs and rates exemptions awarded to unoccupied properties. Combined these reliefs accounted for 93% of all reliefs awarded as at 1 July 2022, and for 79% of the value of all reliefs. Almost four in five properties receiving relief were awarded one of these four reliefs.

Table 3a compares the numbers of reliefs awarded in every year since 2018. Across the years, the number of recipients for most reliefs remained broadly consistent, although policy changes and periodic reviews of certain reliefs (most notably SBBS) have resulted in some fluctuations. Note that, due to software issues, some reliefs were not reported at all in 2018, while others were not reported separately and are instead listed as 'unknown'.

The total value of all reliefs awarded at 1 July 2022 was £730m, a decrease of £506m compared to the value of reliefs as at 1 June 2021, when the total was £1,236m (see Table 3d). This is primarily due to the RHL relief no longer being available from 1 July 2022.

Table 3: Number, proportion and value of reliefs awarded, by relief, as at 1 July 2022
Relief type Number of reliefs awarded Reliefs awarded by type as a proportion of all reliefs awarded Proportion of all properties on the Valuation Roll that receive relief Relief value (£ millions) [note 6]
Small Business Bonus Scheme relief 123,010 72% 48% 274.8
Charity relief [note 7] 19,630 12% 5% 223.5
Empty Property relief and exemptions 15,860 9% 6% 82.0
Religious exemptions 4,550 3% 2% 27.8
Rural relief [note 7] 2,120 1% 1% 3.9
Disabled Rates relief 1,860 1% 1% 63.8
Sports Club relief [note 7] 1,450 1% 1% 12.8
Day Nursery relief 750 0% 0% 9.9
Renewable Energy relief 310 0% 0% 7.8
Business Growth Accelerator (BGA) relief 450 0% 0% 17.6
Fresh Start relief 320 0% 0% 4.3
Lighthouse relief 140 0% 0% 0.4
Enterprise Areas relief 110 0% 0% 0.9
District Heating relief 20 0% 0% 0.4
Transitional relief 30 0% 0% 0.1
Mobile Masts relief [low] 0% 0% 0.0
Hardship relief [note 7] 10 0% 0% 0.1
Community Empowerment Act relief [low] 0% 0% 0.0
New Fibre relief 0 0% 0% 0.0
Stud Farms relief [note 7] 0 0% 0% 0.0
All reliefs 170,620 100% 63% 730.0

For numbered notes, see the notes to tables section of this publication.

In addition, please note:

  • The figures for Charity, Rural, and Sports reliefs include both the mandatory and discretionary reliefs.

Reliefs awarded by local authority

Table 4 shows the number and proportion of properties in receipt of relief, the relief value and the proportion of gross bills accounted for, by local authority, at the snapshot date in 2022. Comparable figures for previous years (2018-2021) can be found in Tables 4a – 4d in the publication tables workbook.

Nearly two thirds (64%) of all properties on the Valuation Roll (excluding designated utilities) were receiving a relief as at 1 July 2022 – this compares with 68% as at 1 June 2021. In seventeen local authorities, more than two thirds of all properties were in receipt of a relief; the highest proportions of properties receiving relief were in Orkney (82%) and the Scottish Borders (78%), while the lowest could be found in Aberdeen City (39%) and Renfrewshire (46%).

Compared to the last snapshot, the value of reliefs has decreased in all local authorities, and the number of properties receiving relief, have decreased in most. This is due to the RHL relief no longer being available from 30 June 2022, and the reviews of SBBS relief conducted in some areas at the last snapshot.

Across Scotland, reliefs accounted for just over a fifth of the total gross bill (excluding designated utilities), which is a decrease of 16 percentage point compared to 2021, but comparable to the figures for 2018 and 2019. This is largely due to the withdrawal of the RHL relief, which at the 2021 snapshot had a value of £536m.

A detailed breakdown of the number of awards of each relief within each local authority is available in table A in the additional tables workbook.

Table 4: Number of properties in receipt of relief and total value of reliefs, by local authority, as at 1 July 2022
Local authority Number of properties receiving one or more reliefs Proportion of properties in each local authority receiving one or more reliefs Relief value (£ millions) [note 6] Total value of reliefs as a proportion of total gross bill for all properties on the Valuation Roll [note 6]
Aberdeen City 3,852 39% 41.3 14%
Aberdeenshire 9,759 74% 29.9 19%
Angus 4,094 76% 12.9 32%
Argyll & Bute 6,660 70% 16.4 29%
City of Edinburgh 11,816 51% 95.0 20%
Clackmannanshire 1,142 67% 4.3 20%
Dumfries & Galloway 7,217 71% 15.9 21%
Dundee City 3,775 62% 26.8 28%
East Ayrshire 3,048 66% 11.7 28%
East Dunbartonshire 1,498 63% 9.3 27%
East Lothian 2,787 73% 12.2 30%
East Renfrewshire 1,223 68% 6.2 29%
Falkirk 3,299 62% 14.0 15%
Fife 9,788 70% 39.8 25%
Glasgow City 16,690 61% 125.8 25%
Highland 14,937 74% 44.7 26%
Inverclyde 1,510 62% 7.0 25%
Midlothian 1,699 56% 9.9 22%
Moray 3,842 72% 9.9 15%
Na h-Eileanan Siar 2,191 77% 4.8 35%
North Ayrshire 4,026 74% 14.9 26%
North Lanarkshire 5,836 56% 25.7 17%
Orkney Islands 2,141 82% 4.0 27%
Perth & Kinross 6,992 72% 23.1 28%
Renfrewshire 4,565 46% 20.6 19%
Scottish Borders 6,904 78% 16.2 31%
Shetland Islands 1,696 72% 4.9 17%
South Ayrshire 2,748 51% 10.9 19%
South Lanarkshire 6,218 56% 29.8 17%
Stirling 3,826 64% 15.8 25%
West Dunbartonshire 1,578 52% 7.8 20%
West Lothian 4,034 60% 18.6 18%
Scotland 161,391 64% 730.0 22%

For numbered notes, see the notes to tables section of this publication.

In addition, please note that this table excludes designated utilities not receiving relief as at the snapshot dates, as these would distort the proportions presented for local authorities with responsibility for designated utilities. In addition, Torness Nuclear Power Station in East Lothian is excluded from the 2022 figures. It was previously part of a designated utility entry, until 7 January 2022. Due to this, the totals presented in these tables may not correspond with other tables in this publication.

Reliefs awarded by property class

Table 5 shows the proportion of properties within each property class receiving a relief, and the value of those reliefs.

In addition Table 5a shows the proportion of properties in each class receiving one or more reliefs since 2018, and Table 5b shows the value of reliefs awarded by property class since 2018. These tables are available in the publication tables workbook.

The highest proportions of properties receiving relief can be found among religious properties, care facilities, cultural properties, and leisure properties, with more than four out of five properties in each of those classes receiving relief.

Conversely, the lowest proportions of properties receiving relief are among petrochemicals (5%), and advertising properties (8%).

Table B in the additional tables workbook shows the breakdown of the number of reliefs by property class and relief, while Table E in the same workbook shows the values of those reliefs.

Table 5: Proportion of properties receiving relief, and value of reliefs, by property class, as at 1 July 2022
Property class Proportion of properties in each class receiving one or more reliefs Relief value (£ millions) [note 6]
Advertising 8% 0.1
Care Facilities 83% 54.5
Communications 16% 0.1
Cultural 85% 21.8
Education and Training 33% 74.6
Garages and Petrol Stations 66% 6.6
Health and Medical 50% 20.4
Hotels 61% 16.0
Industrial Subjects 61% 92.4
Leisure, Entertainment, Caravans, etc. 85% 84.5
Offices 60% 114.5
Other 45% 14.7
Petrochemical 5% 0.2
Public Houses 38% 7.1
Public Service Subjects 56% 42.2
Quarries, Mines, etc. 31% 0.3
Religious 86% 26.0
Shops 65% 134.8
Sporting Subjects 76% 8.0
Statutory Undertaking 33% 11.2
All 63% 730.0

For numbered notes, see the notes to tables section of this publication.

In addition, please note that property class is a classification used by the Scottish Assessors to describe the type of a property, and may not accurately reflect its use. For example, a property classified as a 'shop' may in fact be used to offer financial services.

Properties receiving 100% relief

Most of the properties (90%) receiving relief on 1 July 2022 were receiving 100% relief, meaning they paid no rates.

There were 145,370 properties receiving 100% relief (57% of all properties), most of which (114,880; 45% of all properties) received 100% SBBS relief.

The value of reliefs awarded to properties receiving 100% relief was £593m, which is 81% of the value of all reliefs.

Table 6 shows the number of properties receiving 100% relief, and the value of all reliefs awarded to those properties, in each local authority. In addition, Table 6a shows the number of properties receiving 100% relief in each year since 2018, and Table 6b the value of reliefs awarded to some properties, in each local authority since 2018. These tables can be found in the publication tables workbook.

Table 6: Number of properties in receipt of 100% relief and total value of reliefs awarded to properties receiving 100% relief, by local authority, as at 1 July 2022
Local authority Number of properties receiving 100% relief Value of reliefs awarded to properties receiving 100% relief (£ millions) [note 6]
Aberdeen City 3,090 30.5
Aberdeenshire 8,790 26.1
Angus 3,790 12.1
Argyll and Bute 6,230 14.0
City of Edinburgh 9,810 63.6
Clackmannanshire 960 3.7
Dumfries & Galloway 6,760 14.3
Dundee City 3,320 21.4
East Ayrshire 2,870 10.8
East Dunbartonshire 1,370 8.2
East Lothian 2,560 10.5
East Renfrewshire 1,130 5.7
Falkirk 3,010 12.5
Fife 8,770 33.3
Glasgow City 14,560 92.4
Highland 13,740 38.0
Inverclyde 1,390 6.4
Midlothian 1,490 6.3
Moray 3,460 8.4
Na h-Eileanan Siar 2,100 4.5
North Ayrshire 3,680 13.4
North Lanarkshire 5,230 23.8
Orkney Islands 2,050 3.9
Perth and Kinross 6,400 19.1
Renfrewshire 4,120 18.0
Scottish Borders 6,470 14.9
Shetland Islands 1,590 4.7
South Ayrshire 2,480 9.1
South Lanarkshire 5,700 26.4
Stirling 3,540 13.0
West Dunbartonshire 1,450 6.9
West Lothian 3,460 16.7
Scotland 145,370 592.8

For numbered notes, see the notes to tables section of this publication.



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