Non-domestic rates revaluation appeals: information for data suppliers

The Non-domestic rates revaluation appeals (RVAPP) returns collect data on the proposals and appeals lodged against non-domestic properties’ rateable values after a revaluation.

There are four data collections issued to Assessors in a financial year that collect information for every council and each quarter on the progress and results of revaluation proposals and appeals against the 2023 Revaluation and appeals against the 2017 and 2010 Revaluations.

This information is used to produce forecasts of non-domestic rates income, and the revaluation proposals and appeals statistics are published quarterly. Revaluation appeals statistics covering appeals prior to the 2023 Revaluation are available on an archived page.

Timetable for Returns

Quarter Period Issue date Deadline
2024-2025 Quarter 1 1 April 2024 to 30 June 2024 28 June 2024 18 July 2024
2024-2025 Quarter 2 1 July 2024 to 30 September 2024 17 September 2024 18 October 2024
2024-2025 Quarter 3 1 October 2024 to 31 December 2024 17 December 2024 16 January 2025
2024-2025 Quarter 4 1 January 2025 to 31 March 2025 18 March 2025 4 June 2025

Return guidance

Guidance and blank forms for current returns are available below. If you require guidance for previous returns, please contact us at

Please note that blank forms are provided for working only. The RVAPP returns should be submitted via ProcXed.

Guidance on how to submit RVAPP returns on ProcXed is also available below. Please contact us at if you need a ProcXed account.

ProcXed guidance

About ProcXed

ProcXed is a software solution developed by the Scottish Government for secure electronic collection of data.

ProcXed enables data validation checks at the point of entry. Anomalies such as large differences, or the number of appeals which have been disposed of being larger than the number of appeals made, will flag up automatically. This reduces the burden on data suppliers, as it reduces the number of occasions on which the Scottish Government will need to follow up with queries.

Access to ProcXed

ProcXed can be accessed via If you need a ProcXed account and do not have one, please get in touch with us at

With these login details, you will be able to access the RVAPP data collection, and you will only see data for the council area(s) covered by your Valuation Joint Board (VJB).

After logging in, you will see the main screen containing details of your last log in. If you see something suspicious or incorrect, please contact ProcXed administrators.

If you’ve forgotten your password, you can request a new one on the login page, using your user name and registered email address.

Viewing your return

To access your return, click on Menu in the top left-hand corner. Here, click on Data Returns and then Manage Data Returns.

In the manage data returns menu, from the Data Collection Type drop down menu select Rateable Value Appeals. Under the Data Collection drop down menu select the relevant quarter (e.g. RVAPP 2023-24 Q1).

You will see a list of local authority areas covered by your VJB, and a list of actions for each. When you click Select, a Data Return Components table will appear further down the screen. Clicking Edit allows you to view your data return and enter new data.

Completing your return

The form layout is different to previous years in that there are four parts to enter data into on proposals and appeals arising from the 2023 revaluation, and appeals from the 2017 and the 2010 revaluations. These parts are:

  • Part 1: Proposals against the 2023 revaluation
  • Part 2: Appeals against the 2023 revaluation
  • Part 3: Appeals against the 2017 revaluation
  • Part 4: Appeals against the 2010 revaluation

You can use the drop down function, as pictured below, to navigate to each part. Alternatively, you can click on the Expand button to have all four parts displayed on the same page.

Cells which are shaded grey are totals, which are calculated automatically from the data you entered and cannot be amended.

For security reasons, after a period of inactivity you will get automatically logged out. We advise that you save any changes to the data as they are made, to ensure they are not lost. Clicking the Save button at the top or bottom of a page will calculate the totals and run validation checks which will flag up any error messages. Please submit your return once there are no error messages displayed. If any error message is unclear, get in touch with

Please do not use the Back button in your browser – only use the back button shown within the web page itself as pictured below. Make sure that you enter numbers without commas or decimals.

If you wish to provide any further information about your return please use the Comments box.

Submitting your return

VJBs are required to approve the returns for each child organisation (the individual council areas), and then for the parent organisation (the VJB as a whole).

You can submit your return in two ways. From the Manage Data Returns screen you can select the Submit action for each component.

Otherwise, when editing an individual component for a child organisation, you can also select the Save and Submit for Review button to submit. Once all child organisations have been submitted, the returns for the VJB as a whole can be submitted from the Manage Data Returns screen. You should receive a notification when a return has been successfully submitted.

After submission, you will be able to view your return, but will not be able to make any changes. If you need to change any of the numbers on your return, get in touch with who can either make changes on your behalf, or release the return for further editing.


After submission, you can produce reports summarising the data submitted. These can be saved to your device in Excel, PDF, or Word formats.

If you wish to produce a report, after submitting your return click Menu in the top left hand corner, then click on Reports, and then on View Reports.

Here you will be asked to select a data collection type (Rateable Value Appeals), the type or report (RVApp Return), and the collection quarter for which you wish to produce a return. You can also use the Advanced Search button to produce reports for individual local authorities.

A report will open in a new window (you may be prompted to allow for a pop-up window). From here you can export it using the save button.

RVAPP 2023 cycle - guidance and blank form
RVAPP ProcXed guidance


For any questions please email Returns should be made via ProcXed

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