
Non-domestic rates - tax incremental financing

Tax Incremental Financing (TIF) is a means of funding public sector investment infrastructure judged to be necessary to unlock regeneration in an area, and which may otherwise be unaffordable to local authorities.


Tax Incremental Financing (TIF) is a means of funding public sector investment infrastructure judged to be necessary to unlock regeneration in an area, and which may otherwise be unaffordable to local authorities. The overarching goal of TIF is to support and guide the increasingly limited public finances available for assisting regeneration and helping to lever in additional private sector capital.


In undertaking a TIF project, Local authorities agree to comply with the reporting requirements as set out in TIF agreements. 

Please note that a property-level dataset of the red-line area should be included in the initial submission of the Collectable Amount return, and a list of additions and deletions (properties) to the red-line should be supplied with every anuual TIF return.

These forms should be completed and emailed to the Scottish Government Infrastructure and Investment Unit, details as per the guidance notes.

TIF annual return 2023-2024: blank form
TIF annual return 2022-2023: blank form
TIF annual return 2021-2022: blank form
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