Non-Domestic Rating Account: 2019-2020

An extract of the Scottish Consolidated Fund accounts, prepared under paragraph 6 of Schedule 12 to the Local Government Finance Act 1992.

Receipts and Payments Account for the year ended 31 March 2020

  2019-20 2018-19
£ £
Contributions from authorities (Note 2) 2,890,167,716 2,882,664,324
Gross additional receipts as a result of interim recalculations for 2018-19 (Note 4) 29,887,773  
Gross additional receipts as a result of final recalculations for 2018-19 (Note 5) 381,993  
Gross additional receipts as a result of interim recalculations for 2017-18   12,574,325
Gross additional receipts as a result of final recalculations for 2017-18   3,170,635
Total Contributions 2,920,437,482 2,898,409,284
Sums paid to authorities as the Distributable Amount (Note 3) 2,853,000,000 2,636,000,000
Gross additional sums paid as a result of interim recalculations for 2018-19 (Note 4) 65,916,322  
Gross additional sums paid as a result of final recalculations for 2018-19 (Note 5) 471,138  
Gross additional sums paid as a result of interim recalculations for 2017-18   97,102,354
Gross additional sums paid as a result of final recalculations for 2017-18    350,002
Total Distributions 2,919,387,460 2,733,452,356
Net sums paid to the account during the year 1,050,022 164,956,928

The notes form part of these accounts.

Paul Johnston

Accountable Officer

Director General Education, Communities and Justice

11 December 2020

The Accountable Officer authorised these statements for issue on the date signed above.



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