Non-Domestic Rating Account: 2019-2020

An extract of the Scottish Consolidated Fund accounts, prepared under paragraph 6 of Schedule 12 to the Local Government Finance Act 1992.

Appendix A: Account Direction

Non-Domestic Rating Account

Direction by the Scottish Ministers

1. The Scottish Ministers, in pursuance of paragraph 6(1) of Schedule 12 to the Local Government Finance Act 1992, hereby give the following direction.

2. The account which it is the duty of the Scottish Ministers to prepare in respect of the financial year ended 31 March 2014 and in respect of any subsequent financial year, shall comprise:

2.1. a foreword;

2.2. a receipts and payments account;

2.3. a statement of balances; and

2.4. notes to the account.

3. The account shall properly present the receipts and payments for the financial year and balances at the financial year-end, and shall be drawn up in such a form as will enable the information described in the attached schedule to be separately identified.

4. The Scottish Ministers shall send copies of the account to the Auditor General for Scotland as soon as possible after the end of the financial year, and in any case not later than 30 September in each year

5. This direction shall be reproduced as an appendix to the statement of accounts.  The direction given on 23 November 2001 is hereby revoked.

Signed by the authority of the Scottish Ministers

Dated 18 June 2014



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