
Non-native species: code of practice

Guidance on non-native species, approved by the Scottish Parliament. Came into effect on 2 July 2012.

6. Keeping Invasive Animals and Plants

6.1 This Chapter explains the restrictions which apply to the keeping of some types of invasive animals and plants.

6.2 It is an offence under the 1981 Act [56] to keep types of invasive animals or plants specified in an Order made by the Scottish Ministers. Any species that are listed in such an Order are prohibited from being kept except where the keeping is under a licence issued by the appropriate authority [57] . A defence of taking all reasonable steps and exercising all due diligence to avoid committing the offence is available to a charge of keeping an invasive animal or plant [58] .

6.3 This Code does not list the Orders - or the species listed in the Orders - made under the 1981 Act as these are subject to change. More information on the Orders created under the 1981 Act can be found on the Scottish Government website (see Chapter 10).


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