
Nursing 2030 vision

The Chief Nursing Officer's long term strategy to shape the future of the nursing workforce.

2 How Did the Vision Grow?

The creation of our Vision started with a national event in April 2016, attended by 120 nurses from Scotland's health and care services, their leaders and academics, who came together to consider and discuss what might be required of nurses over the next 15 years.

Some key questions emerged.

  • How can nurses maximise their contribution to health and wellbeing in changing social contexts?
  • How will they work with others to address inequalities, prevent illness and improve the delivery and quality of health and social care?
  • How will they exemplify compassionate care, professional commitment and effective leadership as new technologies and ways of delivering services become the norm?
  • What will care and compassion look and feel like in 2030?

The event was followed by a 'Twitter chat' hosted by the Chief Nursing Officer in May 2016, through which participants were invited to contribute to developing the Vision.

Initial messages were themed, cross-referenced and further developed for national engagement events held across the country.

A 'Vision Week' was then launched via Twitter on 17 October 2016. A daily video was posted, with key participants identifying a theme to generate discussion. The websites were visited nearly 4,000 times over the nine weeks of the engagement phase, and the videos were viewed over 1,800 times.

In tandem, the Scottish Government held a large-scale engagement exercise with NHS boards, universities and the social care sector, including an online questionnaire to increase access. Over 3,200 nurses, students and nursing stakeholders participated in the online survey and related local engagement conversations, representing successful achievement of the target of involving 5% of the nursing workforce in Scotland. Responses were analysed independently.

The next stage was to hold four focus groups across Scotland with over 50 nurses and students from a wide range of backgrounds, including care homes, to enlarge on some of the points identified through the initial engagement phase.

The engagement feedback has been taken on board and is now reflected in the Vision.


Email: Rachel Aitchison,

Phone: 0300 244 4000 – Central Enquiry Unit

The Scottish Government
St Andrew's House
Regent Road

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