Nursing and Midwifery Taskforce minutes: December 2024

Minutes from the meeting of the nursing and midwifery taskforce December 2024.

Attendees and apologies

  • Prof. Aisha Holloway - Chair of Nursing Studies
  • Prof. James Buchan - University of Edinburgh
  • Gavin Fergie – Unite
  • Eileen McKenna – RCN
  • Emma Currer – RCM
  • Anne Trotter - NMC
  • Professor Susan Dawkes - Council of Deans Health
  • Professor  Caroline Hollins-Martin - Council of Deans Midwifery
  • Serena Barnett – HR, NSS
  • June Brown – SEND
  • Kathleen Carolan – SEND
  • Lesley Sharkey – Director of Midwifery
  • Karen Wilson – NES
  • Fiona Hogg - Chief People Officer, Health Workforce
  • Amy Wilson – Interim Director of Health Workforce
  • Anne Armstrong, Interim Chief Nursing Officer
  • Isabella de Wit – Health Workforce
  • Beverley Lamont – Health Workforce
  • Annemieke Bikker - Health Workforce
  • Laura Whitelaw - Health Workforce
  • Jess Dickson – CNOD
  • Claire McGuiness – CNOD



  • Veronica McAleaney – CNOD
  • Erin Murphy - CNOD
  • Wayne Smith CNOD
  • Kathryn Brechin CNOD


  • Professor  Patricia Findlay – Scottish Centre for Employment Research
  • Colin Poolman – RCN
  • Jaki Lambert – RCM
  • Gillian McCannon – Chair, NHS Western Isles
  • Anne Campbell - Vice Principal Ayrshire College
  • Claire Pearce – SEND – Now retired
  • Sam Foster - NMC
  • Liz Airns - GMB
  • Gillian McCannon – Chair, NHS Western Isles
  • Matt McLaughlin - Unison
  • Justine Craig – Chief Midwifery Officer
  • Victoria Freeland– Health Workforce
  • Kirsty Merriman – Health Workforce
  • Rachael Dunk – CNOD

Items and actions

Welcome and introductions – Neil Gray, Cabinet Secretary for Health and Social Care

Mr Gray welcomed members to the final ministerial led meeting of the first phase of the Nursing and Midwifery Taskforce (NMT). Mr Gray thanked members for their time and continued involvement, highlighting that since the last ministerial led meeting (June 2024) there has been two official led meetings (September and November 2024). This has allowed the recommended actions to be produced in a truly collaborative way.

Review outstanding actions - Neil Gray, Cabinet Secretary for Health and Social Care

Mr Gray noted the last meeting of the NMT was held on the 19 November 2024 with minutes subsequently circulated. Mr Gray asked members if they had any comments and or amendments to the previous minutes. No amendments were put forward and members agreed the minute was a true and accurate record of the meeting.

There was one outstanding action from the last meeting which was for members to send in comments and or amendments on the redrafted recommended actions and the draft NMT report structure and contents.

Update: Scottish Government officials have collated and actioned all comments received and updated versions where shared ahead of this meeting for sign off.

Listening Project – Neil Gray, Cabinet Secretary for Health and Social Care

Mr Gray again thanked members for their involvement and support of the Listening Project, highlighting the massive undertaking in doing so, however it was extremely important that we spoke to our nurses and midwives, to ensure their experience shaped the recommended actions. Mr Gray noted that the Listening Project report will be published alongside the final report of the NMT. Mr Gray invited members to share any final comments they may have prior to publication.

Members highlighted that a lot of hard work, time and dedication has gone into the many drafts of the Listening Project report that has been shared.  The report is now at a place where the majority of members are comfortable with the report as current written to be published.

NMT report - Neil Gray, Cabinet Secretary for Health and Social Care

Mr Gray advised he was pleased to see the final report and recommended actions that have been discussed at length. Members have given multiple opportunities to comments and suggest final amendments.

Mr Gray advised that we now work to work at pace with implementation to ensure we achieve the ambitions of the taskforce.

Members were in general agreement with the contents of the final report, with some final small edits required prior to publication, these have been shared with colleagues via correspondence.

There was an in depth discussion on the final name of the report to ensure it was aspirational and encompassed the ambition of the taskforce. It was important to members that the title of the report encompassed the vast amount of work and reflects the partnership working. Members agreed to the title of ‘Delivering together for a stronger Nursing & Midwifery Workforce: The report and recommended actions of the Nursing and Midwifery Taskforce’. The title “You shared, We Listened” will be added to the Listening Project report.

Members noted that the name did not make reference to the next steps and implementation and highlighted this will be an important part of the communication around publication. All members will have a role to play in ensuring that the report is communicated through networks to ensure it is shared with the workforce. 

Next steps- Anne Armstrong, Interim Chief Nursing Officer (CNO)

CNO provided members with an update on the plans for phase 2- implementation. Phase 2 will continue to be chaired by the Cabinet Secretary to ensure the work continues at pace. Secretariat will move from Health Workforce to be led by the CNO Directorate. The Terms of Reference for the implementation board will be shared with members and the first meeting will be scheduled for the end of January to align with the publication of the reports.

Mr Gray advised he is determined to ensure the implementation phase moves at phase and the continued ministerial involvement will ensure that he can speak confidently around the process and sending the right message to staff.

Members discussed the importance of having the voice of staff as part of implementation and it was agreed that the method in which staff involvement will be explored.

Members also discussed the need for evaluation as part of the implementation process. Ensuring that evaluation is correct from the start, this will then allow the NMT to ensure the intended impact is reflected change at different level at different times.

It was highlighted that the recommended actions included multiple reviews of current policy, which will take time. The intended outcome of the reviews is to inform the next steps and therefore must be concise and focused pieces of work.  

Any other business and close - Neil Gray, Cabinet Secretary for Health and Social Care

Mr Gray confirmed the next step will be to publish both the NMT and the Listening Project reports. Colleagues will be in contact with members with precise timelines and advice for when publication will take place.

Mr Gray thanked members for the thousands of hours that have went into the formulation of the recommended actions and noted that he was grateful for everyone’s time and effort. Mr Gray confirmed as we move into implementation he is keen we all continue to work collaboratively to achieved our shared goals of the Nursing and Midwifery Taskforce.

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