Nutritional analysis: software specification

Guidance for local authorities, or their contracted caterers, for advice to procure software which will be used to plan and nutritionally analyse food and drink provision in schools in order to meet the Nutritional Requirements for food and drink in schools (Scotland) Regulations, 2020.

Desirable Criteria

39. The ability for an existing database of food, drink and recipes to be uploaded by the software provider, including nutritional values (meeting the requirements listed above) in a suitable format (e.g. excel spreadsheet).

40. The ability for manufactured products and user recipes on the database to be regularly reviewed to ensure they contain accurate information, have been updated, and are removed if not been used for a set length of time e.g. two years.

41. Default portion sizes can be built into the system but should clearly marked as such to ensure the user does not automatically select these without checking this is the portion size to be served.

42. For face to face training on the use of the software either individually or in a small group.

43. For the costs of ingredients and products to be added and a function to enable costs of recipes and meals to be calculated by the system.

44. The ability to show allergen content of products or recipes in line with Allergen Regulations (the EU food information for consumers Regulation No. 1169/2011) and for this to be exported in a format suitable to be shared with parents, schools and school kitchen staff.

45. The ability for the amount of red and red processed meat (cooked weight) to be calculated and shown in comparison to maximum values set within the food and drink standards.

46. The ability to highlight obvious errors, for example:

  • missing micronutrient values for dishes which should contain them e.g. no calcium in macaroni cheese.
  • identify manual data entry error e.g. 20ml portion of soup rather than 200ml or 400g portion of melon rather than 40g.
  • manufactured products entered as a portion weight of 1g rather than weight of product.



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