Nutritional Guidance for Early Years: food choices for children aged 1-5 years in early education and childcare settings
Nutritional guidance for early education and childcare settings for children aged 1-5
Appendix 7 Sample food and nutrition policy
- The weekly snack and lunch menu will be on display in advance. Nursery recipes will be available on request.
- The weekly menu will provide children with a varied and healthy diet.
- All children will be offered suitable foods; this will include children with special dietary requirements and allergies.
- Early session children who do not receive breakfast at home will be offered this when they arrive in agreement with parents or guardians.
- Milk or water will be served with morning and afternoon snacks.
- All dairy products used in the nursery will be full fat.
- Water will be available at all times.
- Milk, water or diluted fresh fruit juice will be served with the main meal.
- Children will be allowed to have second helpings of fruit- or milk-based desserts if available.
- Children will still receive dessert if they refuse their main course.
- Parents or guardians will be advised if their child is not eating well.
- Advice will be given to parents about suitable food to bring from home, including suitable party foods and healthy options for packed lunches.
- Parents of children who are on special diets will be asked to provide as much written information as possible about suitable foods, and in some cases may be asked to provide the food themselves. A photograph of any child with a special dietary requirement or allergy will be displayed in the food preparation area to ensure that permanent and supply staff are aware of each individual child's needs.
- Carers will sit with children while they eat and will provide a good role model for healthy eating.
- Withholding food will not be used as a form of punishment.
- Children will be encouraged to develop good eating skills and table manners and will be given plenty of time to eat.
- Children will be encouraged to play outside everyday, weather permitting. Parents will be asked to provide sunscreen for their child when necessary.
This policy will be reviewed annually and updated as necessary by the Nursery Health Promotion Group.
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