
Nutritional Guidance for Early Years: food choices for children aged 1-5 years in early education and childcare settings

Nutritional guidance for early education and childcare settings for children aged 1-5

Appendix 9 References and resources

1 Scottish Executive. National Care Standards - Early Education And Childcare up to the Age of 16; Standard 3 Health and Wellbeing. Scottish Executive, Edinburgh, 2002. . The standards have been developed from the point of view of the user of the service and focus on what they should receive.
2 NHS Health Scotland. Off to a Good Start: All you need to know about breastfeeding your baby.NHS Health Scotland, Edinburgh, 2004. Please email or phone the publications office at NHS Health Scotland on 0131 536 5500.
3 NHS Health Scotland. Fun First Foods.NHS Health Scotland, Edinburgh, 2004. Please email or phone the publications office at NHS Health Scotland on 0131 536 5500.
4 NHS Health Scotland. Adventures in Foodland.NHS Health Scotland, Edinburgh, 2003. Please email or phone the publications office at NHS Health Scotland on 0131 536 5500.
5 Scottish Executive. Health for all Children: Guidance for implementation for children. Scottish Executive, Edinburgh, 2005.
6 Scottish Executive. Improving Health in Scotland - the Challenge. Scottish Executive, Edinburgh, 2003. .
7 Scottish Executive. Eating for Health - Meeting the Challenge: Co-ordinated action, improved communication and leadership for Scottish food and health policy 2004, Strategic Framework for Food and Health 2004-2005. Scottish Executive, Edinburgh, 2004. .
8 The Scottish Consultative Council. A Curriculum Framework for Children 3 to 5. The Scottish Consultative Council, Edinburgh, 1999. . This gives national advice and guidance on the learning and development needs of young children for all centres involved in the education of children aged 3 to 5.
9 Scottish Executive. Closing the Opportunity Gap. Scottish Executive, Edinburgh, 2005. .
10 Alaimo K, Olson CM, Frongillo EA Jr, Briefel RR. Food insufficiency, family income, and health in US preschool and school-aged children. American Journal of Public Health 2001; 91: 781-811.
11 Harris RJ. Nutrition in the 21st century: what is going wrong? Archives of Disease in Childhood 2004; 89: 154-158.
12 Higginson, C. Evidence into Action: Nutrition in the under-fives. Health Education Board for Scotland ( HEBS, now NHS Health Scotland), Edinburgh, 2001. .
13 Grantham-McGregor SM, Walker SP, Chang S. Nutritional deficiencies and later behavioural development. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society 2000; 59: 47-54.
14. Ebbeling CB, Pawlak DB, Ludwig DS. Childhood obesity: public-health crisis, common sense cure. Lancet 2002; 360: 473-482.
15. World Health Organization. Diet, Nutrition and the Prevention of Chronic Diseases. Report of a joint WHO/ FAO Expert consultation. WHO Technical Report Series, WHO, Geneva, 2003.
16 Walker SP, Grantham-Mcgregor SM, Powell CA, Chang SM. Effects of growth restriction in early childhood on growth, IQ, and cognition at age 11 to 12 years and the benefits of nutritional supplementation and psychosocial stimulation. Journal of Paediatrics 2000; 137: 36-41.
17 Benton D. Role of parents in the determination of the food preferences of children and the development of obesity. International Journal of Obesity and Related Metabolic Disorders 2004; 28: 858-869.
18 Food Standards Agency's Eatwell website: . Publications can be obtained from the FSA by visiting or by writing to Food Standards Agency Scotland, 6th Floor, St Magnus House, 25 Guild Street, Aberdeen AB10 6NJ. If you can't find the answers you are looking for on the website or in any of the publications, then email the Food Standards Agency Scotland direct at
19 Scottish Executive. Nutrition in Schools: Scottish nutrient standards for school lunches. Nutrient specifications for manufactured products. Scottish Executive, Edinburgh, 2005.
20 Levine, RS. Milk, flavoured milk products and caries. British Dental Journal 2001; 191: 1.
21 Scientific Advisory Committee on Nutrition ( SACN). Advice on Fish Consumption: Benefits and risks.SACN, London, 2004.
22 Food Standards Agency. Oily Fish Advice: Your questions answered. Food Standards Agency, Aberdeen, 2004.
23 Department of Health. Committee on the Medical Aspects of Food Policy ( COMA) Report on Dietary Reference Values for Food Energy and Nutrients for the United Kingdom.HMSO, London 1991.
24 Scottish Executive. An Action Plan for Improving Oral Health and Modernising NHS Dental Services in Scotland. Scottish Executive, Edinburgh, 2005.
25 Scottish Executive. Let's Make Scotland More Active: A strategy for physical activity, physical activity task force. Scottish Executive 2003.
26 Department of Health. Committee on the Medical Aspects of Food Policy ( COMA) Report on Weaning and the Weaning Diet.HMSO, London, 1994.
27 Department of Health. Committee on the Medical Aspects of Food Policy ( COMA) Report on Nutrition and Bone Health.HMSO, London, 1998.
28 Davies PSW, Bates CJ, Cole TJ, et al. Vitamin D: seasonal and regional differences in pre-school children in Great Britain. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition 1999; 53: 195-198.
29 Pugh, G. Contemporary Issues in the Early Years. Working collaboratively for children. Paul Chapman Publishing, London 2001.
30 Gregory JR, Collins DL, Davies PSW, et al. National Diet and Nutrition Survey of Children Aged 1.5-4.5 years. Report of the diet and nutrition survey. HMSO, London 1995.
31 Watt RG, Dykes J, Sheiham A. Socio-economic determinants of selected dietary indicators in British pre-school children. Public Health Nutrition 2001; 4: 1229-1233.
32 Grantham-McGregor S, Ani C. A review of studies on the effect of iron deficiency on cognitive development in children. Journal of Nutrition 2001;13(suppl.): 649S-666S.
33 Gibson SA. Iron intake and iron status of pre-school children: associations with breakfast cereals, vitamin C and meat. Public Health Nutrition 1999; 2: 521-528.
34 Scientific Advisory Committee on Nutrition. Salt and Health Report. SACN, London, 2003.
35 Scottish Executive. Nutrient Specification for Manufactured Products. Scottish Executive, Edinburgh, 2004.
36 Food Standards Agency. Salt: How to cut down. Food Standards Agency, Aberdeen, 2005. or go to more specifically to
37 Wrieden et al. Children's Food Portion Sizes: Estimation of typical portion sizes for children of different ages. Report to the Food Standards Agency, 2003 (in press).

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