nutritional guidance for early years: food choices for children aged 1-5 years in early education and childcare settings

nutritional guidance for providers of food in early years settings

nutritional guidance for early years: food choices for children aged 1-5 years in early education and childcare settings

2 eating habits, nutrients, foods and menu planning

2.1 Developing positive eating habits

The foundation for good health begins early in childhood 7 and involves establishing good food habits. There are a number of aspects to this:

  • Building food experiences - offering a variety of foods, and repeated exposure to new foods from an early stage encourages children to experiment and accept different tastes and textures. 8
  • Structure - staff and carers know that young children need structure to their day and this applies to planning times for eating and drinking. Children differ in their response to food being made available: most children enjoy food and usually welcome an opportunity to take a snack or drink when they are hungry. However some children are less interested and may be distracted while playing, and can 'forget' or be 'too busy' to choose to eat or drink. This can result in 'over' hunger or thirst and difficult behaviour.
  • Timing - children need to eat regularly and it is recommended that children be offered something to eat at least every three hours. Snacks are best given well before or after (2-2.5 hours) meal times so as to avoid spoiling their appetite for the next meal. Give children enough time to eat and drink - once they have started to eat, this may take around 15 minutes for a snack and around 30 minutes for a meal.
  • Social skills - when children sit to eat and drink together this provides an opportunity for them to learn good social skills and behaviours associated with eating and drinking. For example: chatting to other children and adults, developing good table manners, learning to respect others. Try to avoid distractions such as television and lots of noise close by.
  • Role models - children often model their behaviour on observation of other individuals. Therefore the food choices and eating habits of the adults, peers and siblings around children is important in reinforcing the right messages.

2.2 Nutrient guidance for early years

The information in Annex 1 provides nutrient guidance for adequate food and nutrition provision for children aged 1-3 years and 4-5 years attending partial day care or pre-school education. Children, as individuals, have different energy and nutrient requirements depending on their age, gender, body size, rate of growth and level of activity. For young children, there are no hard and fast rules about what must be served as a breakfast, a snack, a light meal or a main meal. Depending on the likes and dislikes of the children, their appetite, and their willingness to try foods, food items can be interchanged for snacks, meals or breakfast. Nutrient standards have therefore been based on a combination of one meal and one snack (including drinks) rather than for snacks, meals and drinks individually.

The figures in Annex 1, Table 1 represent the recommended nutrient intake provided by the combination of one meal plus one snack (averaged over five days). a This is because nutrient requirements are met over a period of time, rather than within one day. These would apply, for example, to children who are in early years care or education for half a day, five days per week, and receive a snack and meal at each session. For children who attend for a snack and drink only Sections 3.2 and 3.3 give guidance on suitable food and drink.

We have also given (Annex 1, Table 2) the recommended nutrient intake from food provided for children who are in day care for more than 8 hours per day (based on provision of breakfast, two meals and two snacks).a

Energy needs - getting the balance right

Children need energy to enable them to grow, develop and be active. Essentially, energy from food and drink provides 'fuel' for the body. The precise amount of energy required for an individual child depends on their age, size, gender, rate of growth and level of activity. Energy for children is provided from foods containing carbohydrate, fats and protein.

For good health and optimal growth in children there is an important balance between energy consumed in foods and the body's need for energy. 4 Children who are regularly active (see section 3.1) are able to achieve a better energy balance than children who are less physically active. 4

Dietary fibre

There are no specific dietary reference values for dietary fibre intake in children aged 1-5 years. However dietary fibre, as part of a varied and balanced diet, is essential for good health at all ages. Children who follow the nutrient guidance on fruit and vegetable intake and who have wholegrain foods, e.g. wholegrain bread, cereals and pulse vegetables incorporated into their daily diets, will consume adequate dietary fibre. This will help them to achieve the dietary fibre they need to maintain their health as they grow.

Vitamins, minerals and bioactive components

These are essential to normal growth, development and normal body functions. Some vitamins and minerals are important in the immune system, for protection against ill health and disease. Children aged 1-5 years have high requirements for vitamins and minerals due to the rapid rate of growth and bone development during these years. Adequate intake of vitamins and minerals, with the exception of Vitamin D b can be provided by a varied
well-balanced diet as described in the guidelines. There are some compounds (bioactive components) in foods, which do not fall into the category of vitamins and minerals.

Some of these provide us with protection against ill health and disease. Vegetables, some fruits and other plant foods such as fresh herbs are particularly good sources of these.

a Annex 2 outlines key issues on achieving nutrient guidance for protein, iron, salt and Vitamin D.
b With the exception of Vitamin D which depends on exposure to sunlight and/or supplementation (Annex 2).

2.3 Menu planning

In planning a menu it is essential that a variety of sensory qualities, e.g. taste, texture, flavours, colours and temperature, are provided. This contributes to children's learning and enjoyment of food. Early and repeated exposure to a food helps children to accept it in the long term.8 For example we recommend that, over a period of days, children are offered both warm and cold foods; this provides variety in temperature and warm foods are comforting on cold winter days.

Young children have changing likes and dislikes and their appetite and willingness to try foods varies. Different foods and portions may need to be interchanged as breakfast, as snacks, as light meals or main meals. This need for flexibility in eating patterns and habits has been taken into account in the guidance on food groups and menu planning. Children's cultural background has to be respected and any special dietary requirements should be taken into account.

In the food groups and sample menus, descriptions of foods and frequencies served are given as basic guidance only. A flexible approach building on catering experience, skills and local tastes is important in allowing a wide range of food and menu options to be available. The menu planning guidance is based on five food groups.

The following table aims to provide practical guidance on food groups and menu planning. It is designed for staff, carers and those responsible for food provision for the early years sector to assist in providing good nutrition for children aged 1-5 years and meeting the nutritional guidance.

There are some key issues concerning nutrient provision to consider when menu planning in Annex 2. Staff responsible for the planning of menus may need to be supported by appropriate training (see section 4.3).

The quality of food purchased for the early years sector can be guided by Nutritional Specifications for Manufactured Products for School Meals. These are available from the Food Standards Agency and website

Table 3: Menu Planning by Food Group

Group 1: Bread, Other Cereals and Potatoes

Specific Guidance for Children age 1-5 years


All type of breads, other cereals (breakfast cereal, oats/oatcakes, rice, pasta, noodles, couscous, maize meal) potato and starchy root crops (e.g. sweet potato, yam)

Every meal and most snacks should contain a portion or portions of food from this group.

Fibre-enriched cereals (i.e. breakfast cereals with added bran) should not be offered to children under 2 years.

Starchy foods provide essential energy for children and are an important source of many vitamins, minerals and fibre. Children should be encouraged to eat these foods to satisfy their appetites.

Wholegrain bread, wholegrain cereals (e.g. wheat biscuits, mini wheats, porridge), pasta and brown rice, as well as the white varieties, should be incorporated into the diet to encourage children to eat these as part of a well-balanced, varied diet.

Young children have small stomach capacities and too much high-fibre foods such as fibre-enriched (bran type) breakfast cereals (e.g. All Bran, Branflakes) can replace energy-rich foods needed for growth and interfere with the absorption of essential minerals like calcium and iron.


A variety of breads; wholegrain, brown, white, bread-based snacks (e.g. yeast-type buns, scones) should be available daily as part of a meal and/or snack for all children. Crusty bread, quarters of bread rolls and buns are popular and can be offered at snack or meal times.

As part of a meal, bread (including naan, pitta and crusty bread) can be provided in a variety of forms to replace fried products.

Breads provide for the varying appetites and energy requirements within this wide age-group.

These can provide variety and alternatives to fried potato products.

Breakfast cereals

Breakfast cereals may be offered at breakfast or snack time. A variety of low-sugar breakfast cereals e.g. wheat biscuits, porridge, cornflakes, rice snaps, should be available. These breakfast cereals are low in free sugars (NMES a); most contain < 15% (< 15g/100g of product) free sugars.

There are plenty of breakfast cereals with a low free-sugar content to choose from - highly sugared cereals and cereal bars (e.g. chocolate-coated cereals, frosted flakes, honey-coated cereals with a free (NMES a) sugar content of > 15 % (> 15 g/100g of product) should not be provided.

Breakfast cereals are a popular food with young children; they provide energy, many vitamins, minerals and fibre. Many varieties are fortified with iron, foliate and other nutrients, providing an important source of these in the diets of young children. In addition, as they are usually eaten along with milk, this provides further nutrients, such as calcium, phosphorus, protein etc.

Breakfast cereals with a high proportion of free sugars provide a poor balance of energy for young children. Excess intakes of free sugars promote dental decay and obesity. Choose cereals which are lower in added (free) sugars (NMES a).

Potatoes, sweet potatoes, yam

Fresh cooked potatoes should be served regularly in different ways; mashed, boiled, oven-baked e.g. potato wedges and roast potatoes with olive or rapeseed oil can be offered as part of varied balanced diet.

The following high-fat processed potato products should be served a maximum of twice a week: chips, smiley faces and other shaped products, croquettes and waffles.

If possible, all potato products should be oven baked rather than fried.

Fresh cooked potatoes served in different ways provide a variety of textures. They are an excellent, high-quality source of energy and nutrients for children. They are rich in the B Vitamins and an important source of Vitamin C.

Many of the high-fat potato products contain poor quality fat (hydrogenated [trans] fats) and are also high in salt.

Rice, pasta, noodles, couscous

These foods are popular with young children and should be provided regularly as alternatives to bread and/or potatoes. Children may enjoy these foods as part of hot or cold dishes or in soups. Vegetables can easily be combined with these.

Processed products (e.g. noodles in a pot, salted savoury rice in a bag) may have a high salt content.

Low salt varieties of canned spaghetti and similar products, e.g. spaghetti hoops, pasta shapes, should be used.

These foods are a good source of carbohydrate energy and B Vitamins. They provide a variety of textures and tastes for young children.

These processed products are mostly very high in salt and additives. Manufacturers are beginning to produce lower salt versions.

Group 2: Fruits and Vegetables

Specific Guidance for Children age 1-5 years


Fresh, frozen, canned and dried varieties of fruit and vegetable, and fruit juices

Every meal and snack combination, whether hot, cold, or a packed lunch should contain a minimum of two child-sized portions from this group.

The snack and meal combinations should provide a variety of vegetables and fruits. Children may prefer raw vegetables,
e.g. cucumber, tomato, carrots, celery.

Offering these foods first before the rest of the meal, or as a snack, may improve uptake. They may find them easier to eat if served cut up into small portions, e.g. chopped apple, satsuma segments. Repeated exposure may improve acceptance.

Fruit, vegetables and salads are rich sources of vitamins, minerals and other bioactive components, which protect children from ill health. This protection may begin early and continue through life.

They also provide an excellent combination of fluid and fibre to help prevent constipation in young children.

The introduction of a variety of fruit and vegetables at a young age may improve consumption throughout life. This will contribute to meeting the overall daily recommendation of five portions.

Encouraging these colourful foods with a variety of tastes and textures stimulates and expands interest in fruits and vegetables as well as challenging their palates.

Vegetables (green and salad vegetables, root crops, pulses)

Vegetables should be served in an appealing and easy to eat way. They may be popular cold, raw, as finger foods, served with fruit in salad or incorporated into main dishes.

Fresh soups with vegetables provide the opportunity to incorporate pulses and vegetables in the meal. Most dried and tinned soups are very high in salt and some are low in vegetables. These foods make it difficult to meet the standard for sodium. There should be a minimum of one portion of vegetables in one serving of soup.

Baked beans are nutritious and popular with children and when they are served, lower salt versions should be used. Canned spaghetti and similar products, e.g. spaghetti hoops, pasta shapes and tomato ketchup are not vegetables and should not be counted as a portion.

Vegetables and salads are rich sources of vitamins, minerals and other bioactive components, which protect children from ill health. This protection may begin early in childhood and continue through life.

Vegetables are essential to a balanced diet, in addition to fruit. They provide unique protective components which are not all found in fruits. Creative ways need to be found to ensure young children consume these on a daily basis.


Fruit should be offered with every meal and snack combination. Fruit-based desserts such as fresh fruit, fruit tinned in juice, fruit salads, fruit crumble, fruit jelly or fruit pie are popular options for young children. These composite fruit dishes should contain a minimum of one portion of fruit per serving.

Most fruit yoghurts provide less than one portion of fruit and therefore fruit should be offered in addition to these.

Pure fruit juice is a good source of Vitamin C. A small glass (150ml) of pure fruit juice provides enough Vitamin C for the day and should be taken as part of a meal.

There are many fruit-flavoured sweet products on the market, many of which do not contain any fruit and should be avoided.

Fruit juice is high in free sugars, is acidic, and repeated exposure of juice alone (i.e. not as part of a meal) throughout a day contributes to dental caries and dental erosion.

Group 3: Milk and Dairy Foods

Specific Guidance for Children age 1-5 years


Milk and dairy foods, yoghurts and milk-based desserts

All meals and snack combinations should contain a portion or portions of food from this group.

In children aged 1-3 there is rapid development of the bones associated with independent movement. Calcium, Vitamin D, protein and other minerals are essential for this. Milk and milk products provide a rich source of some of these nutrients. Diets which do not include milk and dairy foods are unlikely to meet the calcium requirements of young children. Parents/guardians should seek specific advice from a health professional.


Plain drinking milk should be available as an option every day. After 1 year of age, whole cows milk should be the main drink until the child is at least 2 years old. After age 2, semi-skimmed can be introduced gradually as a main drink as long as the child is eating well with enough energy and nutrients from a varied diet. Fully skimmed milk is not suitable as a main drink for children under 5 years.

Drinking milk should be an accompaniment to meals and snacks and not a replacement for them.

Plain rather than flavoured milks should be encouraged.

Milk provides essential nutrients and fluid. Whole milk can also provide a significant amount of energy in the diet of young children. Very low fat (skimmed) milk contains insufficient energy and fat-soluble vitamins for children aged 1-5 years.

Some children get into a habit of drinking large amounts of milk (> 500ml per day) instead of eating other foods. Young children who persistently drink lots of milk in place of eating food are likely to have a diet deficient in energy and some nutrients, e.g. iron.

Flavoured milks are high in sugars (NMES a).


Yoghurt is very popular with children and there is a huge variety of fruit and flavoured yoghurts to choose from. Whole milk plain natural yoghurt/plain fromage frais do not have sugar added: these are ideal options and can be served with fresh, stewed or frozen fruit, or fruit in natural juices.

Whole milk fruit yoghurt/fruit fromage frais: try to choose those with high fruit and low free-sugar (NMES a) content.

Yoghurts are an excellent source of calcium, protein, Vitamin A and small amounts of Vitamin D (whole milk variety), they are easy to eat and popular with children. There is a huge choice of yoghurts on the market and it is often difficult to know which give best nutritional value. Some are less healthy than others.

Fruit/flavoured yoghurts containing around 5% of added sugars are less harmful to teeth.9 Novelty yoghurts, e.g. cartoon type; thick and creamy yoghurts; corner yoghurts; mousses can be very high in free-sugars (NMES a). Some contain crumbly and sticky substances (chocolate, fudge), which stick to the teeth causing tooth decay and excess sugar consumption.


Cheese can be served as the main protein item instead of meat, fish or pulses.

Cheese can be served as cheese and biscuits, cheese and fruit, as part of a salad or as a filling for sandwiches and baked potatoes, sprinkled on top of pasta or rice dishes. A suitable portion of cheese for a young child is around 25-35g.

Cheeses suitable for vegetarians should be available.

Cheese is a concentrated source of calcium and other minerals. It also has properties which promote dental health.

Where a portion of cheese is served as the main protein item, it also counts as a portion of food from the meat, fish and alternative sources of protein food group.

Some vegetarians will not take cheese which contains rennet as this is an animal-based additive.

Group 4: Meat, Fish, Eggs, Pulses, Seeds and Nuts

Specific Guidance for Children age 1-5 years


Meat, fish and alternatives, e.g. eggs, peas, beans, lentils and nuts

Every main meal should contain a portion or portions of food from this group.

Meat, fish and alternatives such as eggs, beans and pulses are a major source of protein, iron and zinc. These help to promote growth in children. Most children have more than adequate amounts of protein in their diet.

Beef, pork, lamb and poultry

Red meat (beef, pork and lamb) based meals should be served a minimum of twice a week.

Lean meat (fat trimmed off) should be used in dishes containing meat.

Red meat is a major source of iron and zinc. Lean meats are higher in protein, iron and zinc.

This will help to improve the nutritional quality of meat used in recipes e.g. spaghetti bolognaise.

Processed meat products and pies

Processed meat products, i.e. hot dogs, frankfurters, sausages, beefburgers, meatballs, haggis and shaped poultry products (e.g. nuggets), pastry topped pies and other pastry products (e.g. bridies, sausage rolls, Cornish pasties, Scotch pies) should be served a maximum of once a week.

The vegetable content of composite dishes such as pies should be increased where possible. Potato-topped pies will have a lower fat content and should be encouraged in preference to pastry-topped pies.

Processed meat products are mostly high in fats and sodium. The quality of fat in them can be unhealthy (high in saturated and hydrogenated (trans) fats). The quality of protein in these products may be poorer than protein from fresh or frozen lean meats. Also they may be lower in iron and zinc than lean meat.

This will help to provide bulk and filling to the composite dishes while adding in more nutrients e.g. vitamins and minerals.

Composite dishes

These dishes e.g. lasagne, moussaka, macaroni cheese, spaghetti bolognaise, tuna pasta bake, ravioli and other composite dishes should contain lean meats, small amounts of cheese and plenty of vegetables. The vegetable content should be increased where possible.

When fat is used in cooking or in dishes, a vegetable oil which is high in monounsaturated or polyunsaturated fat should be used e.g. sunflower oil, olive oil, safflower oil, rapeseed oil.

Vegetables can be easily incorporated into these dishes or cold salad items (cucumber, tomato, lettuce, celery, carrot) can be served alongside as finger foods. This will help to increase vegetable intake.

Vegetable oils high in monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats help to improve the dietary fat profile.


Fish, in addition to canned tuna, should appear on the menu once a week.

Oil-rich fish - sardines, kippers, salmon, mackerel, fresh tuna and herring (excluding tinned tuna) - should be served once a week.

Processed fish products e.g. fish fingers and shaped fish products may be high in salt should be served a maximum of once a week.

This will provide variety in the menu. Tinned tuna fish is lower in the protective long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (LC-PUFA) of the omega-3 series than other sources of fatty fish; they are lost during the canning process. This does not apply to fresh tuna fish. b

Oil-rich fish contain valuable, protective fatty acids that are deficient in the Scottish diet and their use should be encouraged. Oil-rich fish are one of a few naturally rich sources of Vitamin D. Many children are unfamiliar with these foods and should be encouraged to try them through the use of tasters (e.g. sardines on toast).

Many of these products are high in salt, although manufacturers are starting to produce varieties with a lower salt content.

Nuts and seeds

These should not be given whole to children aged 1-5 years as there is a risk of choking.

Nut and seed pastes may be given.

Chopped nuts in recipes may be used.

These are a good source of energy, protein and minerals.

Caution will need to be taken when children have an allergy to nuts (see section 3.6).

Vegetarian sources of protein

[refer to section 3.4 for more details about vegetarians]

Protein sources for vegetarians include: pulses, peas, seeds, nuts, eggs, cheese, yoghurt, tofu and soya mince. These should be varied through the week.

Soya mince, textured vegetable protein (TVP), quorn and tofu can substitute mince and chicken in main composite dishes e.g. spaghetti bolognaise, casseroles, stir fries.

Processed vegetarian products resembling meat products, e.g. sausages and veggie burgers should be served a maximum of once per week.

These should be the main sources of protein for vegetarians. The protein content of vegetarian dishes is often lower than meat dishes. However vegetarians can obtain adequate protein from these dishes along with the other sources of protein in their diets e.g. cereal protein, milk based foods - yoghurt, cheese. Pulses including beans, lentils and peas provide excellent nutrition, including protein. They are very versatile foods for quick light meals and as ingredients in soups and casseroles. Pulses can be an alternative to a portion of meat, fish, eggs or cheese. This increases the variety for the vegetarian option.

Many meat substitutes are similar in texture to meat and may not appeal to children who do not like or eat meat. Also some may be high in salt.

Processed vegetarian products are mostly high in fats and sodium. The quality of fat in some of them is unhealthy (hydrogenated (trans) fats) so these should be limited in the diet.

Group 5: Foods high in Fat and Foods and Drinks high in Free Sugars (NMES) a

Specific Guidance for Children age 1-5 years


Desserts: puddings, cakes, biscuits, jam, jelly and ice cream

Sweetened soft/fizzy drinks, confectionery, e.g. chocolates, sweets, ice poles

Where there is no choice, all desserts on offer should be fruit and/or milk-based (including yoghurt and ice cream).

Caterers are encouraged to review home-baking recipes to lower fats and sugars and include nutrient-rich, whole-food ingredients e.g. dried fruit/fresh fruits. Home baking/ bakery products can be provided in mini portions (e.g. 25-35 g) as an accompaniment to fruit as a dessert.

Desserts and puddings are popular and are important for boosting the total energy in children's diets while providing nutrients. They can also help to increase fruit intake. There is a large range of these products on the children's food market and efforts need to be made to select those with a high milk and/or fruit content.

The portion size of home baking/bakery products is often inappropriately high for young children. Mini portion sizes are more appropriate and served along with a source of fruit will help to improve the balance of the diet. Children enjoy the different tastes and texture this provides.

Sweetened soft/fizzy drinks, confectionery, e.g. chocolates, sweets, ice poles

The use of foods from this group should be limited. They are very popular with children, which can lead to over consumption and imbalance in the diet.

Confectionery, fizzy/sugary soft drinks should not be provided as part of the menu. It is recognised that most children will eat these foods and drinks at some time as part of celebrations and special events.

Milk and plain water are considered appropriate drinks throughout the day.

Fresh fruit juice can be given at meal times.

These foods are energy dense due to their high free sugars and/or high fat content. Many of them are of poor nutritional quality, providing little vitamins and minerals.

A regular high intake of these foods by young children can replace foods of higher nutritional quality and result in an imbalance in the total diet. This imbalance can contribute to obesity, iron deficiency and poor growth. As they are currently consumed in high amounts by Scottish children specific attention should be given to guiding children and families with regard to over consumption.

Sugary or carbonated (fizzy) drinks should not feature as part of pre-5s food provision as they are associated with the development of dental caries and can contribute to poor nutritional health and excessive weight gain.

Milk provides an important source of nutrition for young children. Water provides essential fluid and along with fibre helps to prevent constipation.

Fresh fruit juice should be distinguished from 'fruit drinks'. Fruit drinks often contain very little fruit juice and may have considerable amounts of added sugar.

Butter and spreads

Only butter or spreads rich in monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats and oils should be used e.g. sunflower, rapeseed, safflower, olive oil. These can be spread on breads and used in baking.

Cooking margarines high in hydrogenated fats (trans) are not recommended.

These provide an important source of energy, essential fats and fat-soluble vitamins for children. They help to achieve a healthy fat profile in the diet.

Cooking fats and oils

Only monounsaturated and polyunsaturated oils should be used.

These used in cooking provide an important source of energy and essential fats for children. They help to achieve a healthy fat profile in the diet.

Savoury potato snacks, crisps and corn snacks

Crisps can be offered as part of a snack or meal option as an alternative texture and taste e.g. beside a filled sandwich or salad dish. However they should not be provided as the main staple of the meal and should not be included more than twice a week. For young children this would be a small portion (e.g. 15-20g).

These are popular with children and can provide a change of texture and taste to enjoy the meal. They should not be regarded as replacing one of the main staple foods (i.e. breads, potatoes, rice, pasta, cereals). They are high in sodium (as salt) therefore the portion size and frequency with which these foods are offered should be limited.

Table salt, bottled sauces, relishes and pickles

Table salt should not be used.

Bottled sauces e.g. ketchup are popular with children and may be high in salt and sugar. They can be given in very small portions e.g. 5-10g occasionally.

These foods contribute to excess sodium intake in young children.

a Non-milk extrinsic sugars (NMES): these are added sugars (or free, e.g. fruit juice) in foods, e.g. sweets, biscuits, soft drinks, added to breakfast cereals, table sugar, honey, sugar in fruit juice. NMES does not include sugars which are integrally present in the cells of food, e.g. fruit and vegetables or milk sugar (lactose).

b Fish consumption; benefits and risks; report
Your guide to oily fish

2.4 Example menus

Menus 1 - 2 are designed to meet the nutrient standards (averaged over a five-day period) for children aged 1-3 years and 4-6 years respectively with the exception of sodium for all children and Vitamin D for children age 1-3 (see Annex 2). The foods included in both menus are the same and are expressed in practical measures. a However, the portion sizes in Menu 2 are larger in order to meet the higher nutritional needs of the older age group of
4-6 years old. These are meant to serve as an example only of the foods and balance of provision, which would meet the nutritional needs of children of this age.

Water should always be provided in addition to, rather than as a replacement for, the milk included in the menus.

Menu planners can be creative in adapting menus to provide for vegetarian children - often it is possible to modify a dish to make it vegetarian rather than give a completely different dish. In footnotes below the menus we have given some alternatives for vegetarian choices.


tsp teaspoon
dsp dessertspoon
tbs tablespoon
ptn portion
av average

a In Annex 3 menus 1 and 2 are given with precise weights for each food item

Menu 1: a 10-day (two-week) menu for children aged 1-3 years old: WEEK 1



Mid-morning snack


Mid-afternoon snack



2 tbs fresh orange juice diluted with water

porridge served with whole milk

1 small slice toasted wholemeal bread spread with polyunsaturated margarine

small glass of milk

1 mini scotch pancake spread with margarine

1 tangerine

spaghetti bolognaise a with added chopped carrot

(1 baby carrot)

3 tbs custard and banana

(1/2 small banana)

1 small glass of milk

finger food selection including:

2 dried apricots

fresh apple slices

(1/2 medium apple)

served with 1 heaped tbs of fruit yoghurt as a dip

grated cheddar cheese,
(3 tbs) and tomato slices
(3 or 4) - sandwiched between 2 slices of toasted white bread, spread with margarine

mandarin orange segments in juice with 1 scoop of vanilla ice-cream


2 tbs fresh orange juice diluted with water

1 biscuit of weetabix served with whole milk

1 small slice wholemeal toast spread with margarine

small glass of milk

finger foods selection including:

3 bread sticks

2 cheese cubes (1 tbs grated)

apple chunks (1/2 medium apple)

1 mini wholemeal pitta bread filled with a thin slice of roast chicken, b 1 tbs of sweet corn and served with 2 cherry tomatoes and diced cucumber

milk jelly with peaches

small glass of milk

mini fruit scone spread with jam

1 plum

small bowl of vegetable soup - broth served with
1 medium slice of crusty white bread

3 tbs custard and peaches


1 boiled egg served with a

small slice of toasted wholemeal bread spread with margarine

2 tbs fresh orange juice diluted with water

small glass of milk

1 toasted teacake spread with jam

1 large pork and beef sausage, c (grilled) served with a small baked potato and 2 tbs baked beans

1 small carton of fruit flavoured fromage frais

1 small glass of milk

2 dried apricot

1/2 tbs raisins

1/2 small banana sliced

chicken risotto with 1 large mushroom sliced and added

apple crumble


2 tbs fresh orange juice diluted with water

3 tbs corn flakes with milk

1 small slice of toasted white bread with margarine

1 small glass of milk

1 small banana

1 boiled egg with wholemeal bread soldiers

(1 slice bread), spread with margarine

rice pudding with 1/2 dsp sultanas

1 small glass of milk

1 mini, (or 1/2 large) muffin toasted and spread with margarine

1 small slice of melon

minced beef in gravy served with 2 tbs mashed potatoes and a spear of broccoli

fruit cocktail in juice


2 tbs fresh orange juice diluted with water

11/2 tbs baked beans served with a toasted muffin spread with margarine

1 small glass of milk

1/2 crumpet spread with polyunsaturated margarine

1/2 fresh peach

1 wholemeal roll spread with margarine and filled with 1 av slice of ham, d 1/2 a sliced tomato, carrot sticks (1 baby carrot)

sponge pudding topped with pineapple chunks (3 or 4)

1 small glass of milk

1/2 slice of pineapple in juice served with 1 tbs of fruit yoghurt

1/2 of a grilled salmon steak, basted with olive oil and served with 2 or 3 new potatoes and small portion green beans

1 small carton fruit fromage-frais served with3 or 4 strawberries

a For vegetarian choice substitute beef mince with soya mince
b For vegetarian choice substitute chicken with humous or kidney beans
c For vegetarian choice substitute pork or beef sausage with veggie sausage
d For vegetarian choice substitute ham with cheese

Menu 1: a 10-day (two-week) menu for children aged 1-3 years old: WEEK 2

Day Breakfast Mid-morning snack Lunch Mid-afternoon snack Supper


2 tbs fresh orange juice diluted with water

7 tbs puffed wheat served with milk

1 small slice toasted white bread spread with margarine and jam

1 small glass of milk

finger food selection including:

grapes (6 grapes)

banana (1/3 small banana)

melon (3 chunks)

1 mini pitta bread filled with tuna and 1 dsp sweet corn mixed with 1 tbs plain yoghurt served with 2 cherry tomatoes

fruit crumble and custard (3 tbs)

1 glass of water

1 mini blueberry muffin

apple slices (1/2 small apple)

1 medium slice of ciabatta filled with 3 tbs grated cheddar cheese and 3 slices of tomato

fruit yoghurt (2 tbs) with 1/2 pear in juice


2 tbs fresh orange juice diluted with water

porridge made with milk served with milk

1 half slice toast spread with margarine

1 small glass of milk

1 mini plain scones (or 1/2 scone) spread with margarine

1 tangerine

lean beef stew served with 2 or 3 boiled potatoes, 2 tbs

boiled turnip and carrot (1 small)

milk jelly topped with mandarin oranges

1 small glass of milk

finger food selection including: carrot sticks (1 small carrot)


2 cherry tomatoes

Spanish omelette and 1 small baked potato

apple pie with 1 scoop of vanilla ice cream


2 tbs fresh orange juice diluted with water

1 small slice of toasted wholemeal bread spread with margarine and topped with 1 rasher of grilled bacon and 3 slices of tomato

1 small glass of milk

1 small banana

1 large slice of crusty bread spread with margarine and topped with 2 canned sardines (mashed), and 3 slice of chopped tomato

2 tbs orange juice diluted with water

1 small glass of milk

1 mini scotch pancake spread with margarine

3 or 4 strawberries

lentil soup

1 small slice wholemeal bread with margarine, topped with 1 thin slice of cold roast turkey, lettuce, 3 slices of tomato and 2 tsp cranberry sauce


2 tbs fresh orange juice diluted with water

porridge made with milk and served with semi skimmed milk

1 small slice of toasted white bread spread with margarine

1 small glass of milk

1 mini cheese scone (or 1/2 larger) spread with margarine served with

3 cherry tomatoes

mild chicken korma served with 2 tbs boiled rice and a slice of naan bread (1/6 large naan)

1 small fruit yoghurt (60g carton)

1 small glass of milk

1 small banana

vegetable lasagne served with 1 slice of garlic bread

rice pudding topped with 1 heaped tbs of puree apples


2 tbs fresh orange juice diluted with water

scrambled egg served on 1 small slice of toast spread with margarine

1 glass of water

1 small carton of fruit fromage frais (60g)

1 fresh plum

1 mini wholemeal roll spread with margarine, filled with 1 chopped boiled egg, 2 slices of tomato and mustard and cress

sponge pudding and fruit cocktail

1 small glass of milk

1 or 2 crackers with

cheddar cheese

(11/2 tbs grated or 1/2 matchbox size piece)

and apple (1/2 medium)

minestrone soup

1 large slice of toasted white bread, spread with margarine and topped with 1 slice ham and a pineapple ring

Menu 2: a 10-day (two-week) menu for children aged 4-6 years old: WEEK 1



Mid-morning snack


Mid-afternoon snack



2 tbs fresh orange juice diluted with water

porridge made with milk served with semi skimmed milk

1 small slice toasted wholemeal bread spread with margarine and jam

1 small glass of milk

1 scotch pancake spread with margarine

1 tangerine

spaghetti bolognaise with added chopped carrot, (1 baby carrot)

5 tbs custard and banana

(1/2 small banana)

1 small glass of milk

finger food selection including:

5 dried apricots

1/2 fresh apple served with 2 tbs fruit yoghurt as a dip

cheddar cheese and tomato slices on 2 small slices of toasted white bread spread with margarine

mandarin oranges in juice with 1 scoop of vanilla ice-cream


2 tbs fresh orange juice diluted with water

11/2 biscuits of weetabix served with milk

1 small slice wholemeal toast spread with margarine and jam

1 small glass of milk

finger food selection including:

3 1/2 bread sticks

3 cheese cubes (11/2 tbs grated)

apple chunks ( 1/2 apple)

1 small wholemeal pitta

bread filled with 2 thin slices of roast chicken and 1 tbs sweet corn, served with 2 cherry tomatoes and diced cucumber

milk jelly with peaches

1 small glass of milk

1 mini fruit scone spread with margarine

1 plum

vegetable soup served with 1 thick slice of crusty white bread spread with margarine

5 tbs custard with peach segments


2 tbs fresh orange juice diluted with water

1 boiled egg served with 1 small slice of toasted wholemeal bread spread with margarine

1 small glass of milk

1 toasted teacake served with jam

11/2 large pork and beef sausages (grilled) served with a small baked potato and 2 tbs baked beans

1 carton of fruit flavoured yoghurt (125g size)

1 small glass of milk

finger food selection including:

3 dried apricot

1 tbs raisins

banana slices

(1/2 small fresh banana)

chicken risotto with 1 or 2 sliced added mushrooms

apple crumble


2 tbs fresh orange juice diluted with water

5 tbs cornflakes served with milk

1 slice of toasted white bread spread with margarine

1 small glass of milk

finger food selection including:

1/2 small banana

1 dsp raisins

4 grapes

1 boiled egg served with wholemeal bread soldiers (11/2 slice bread), spread with margarine

rice pudding with 1 dsp sultanas

1 small glass of milk

1 mini muffin (or 1/2 large) toasted and spread with margarine

1 small piece of melon

minced beef in gravy

served with 3 tbs mashed potatoes and a spear of broccoli

fruit cocktail in juice


2 tbs fresh orange juice diluted with water

2 tbs baked beans served with 1 toasted muffin spread with margarine

1 small glass of milk

1 crumpet spread with margarine

1 fresh peach

11/2 medium (or 2 mini) wholemeal rolls spread with margarine and filled with ham (2 thin slices) tomato (1/2 tomato) and pineapple (1/2 ring), and served with carrot sticks (1 baby carrot)

sponge pudding

1 glass of water

2 pineapple rings in juice served with 2 tbs fruit yoghurt

1 small grilled salmon steak basted with olive oil served with 2 or 3 boiled potatoes and a small portion green beans

1 carton fruit fromage frais (60g size), served with 3 or 4 strawberries

Menu 2: a 10-day (two-week) menu for children aged 4-6 years old: WEEK 2



Mid-morning snack


Mid-afternoon snack



2 tbs fresh orange juice diluted with water

10 tbs puffed wheat served with semi skimmed milk

1 medium slice of toasted white bread spread with margarine and jam

1 small glass of milk

finger food selection including:

6 grapes

1/3 medium banana

3 chunks of melon

1 small pitta bread, filled with tuna and 2 dsp sweet corn, mixed with 2 tbs plain yoghurt and 3 slice of tomato

fruit crumble and 4 tbs custard

glass of water

1 mini blueberry muffin

apple slices (1/2 medium apple)

1 large slice of ciabatta filled with 31/2 tbs grated cheddar cheese and 3 slices of tomato

1 carton of fruit yoghurt (125g) with 1/2 pear in juice


2 tbs fresh orange juice diluted with water

porridge made with milk served with semi skimmed milk

1 small slice of toast spread with margarine

1 small glass of milk

1 mini plain scone

(or 1/2 of a large) spread with margarine

1 tangerine

lean beef stew served with 2 or 3 boiled potatoes, 3 tbs boiled turnip and 1 small chopped boiled carrot

milk jelly topped with mandarin oranges

1 glass of milk

finger foods carrot sticks, (1 small carrot)

cucumber (chopped)

3 cherry tomatoes

1 large, (or 2 small), crackers, served with 2 tbs plain yoghurt as a dip

spanish omelette served with 1 small baked potato

apple pie


2 tbs fresh orange juice diluted with water

1 small glass of milk

1 small slice of toasted wholemeal bread spread with margarine, and topped with 1 rasher of grilled bacon and 4 slices of tomato

1 small glass of milk and 1 medium size banana

2 small slices of crusty bread spread with margarine and filled with 2 canned sardines, (mashed) and 3 slices of tomato chopped

1 carton of fruit yoghurt (125g) with 6 grapes

1 small glass of milk

1 scotch pancake spread with margarine

4 strawberries

lentil soup

1 large slice of wholemeal bread with margarine, topped with 2 thin slices cold roast turkey, lettuce, 3 slices tomatoes and

1 tbs cranberry sauce


2 tbs fresh orange juice diluted with water

porridge made with milk served with semi skimmed milk

1 small slice of toasted white bread spread with margarine

1 small glass of milk

1 cheese scone spread with margarine, with 3 cherry tomatoes

mild chicken korma served with 21/2 tbs boiled rice and 1/3 of a naan bread

2 tbs fruit yoghurt

1 small glass of milk

finger food selection:

chopped banana

sliced apple (1/2 medium sized fruit) 1 plain digestive biscuit

vegetable lasagne served with 1 large slice of garlic bread

rice pudding served with 1 heaped tbs of puree apples minestrone soup


2 tbs fresh orange juice diluted with water

scrambled egg (made with 1 egg), served with 1 medium slice of toast spread with margarine

glass of water

2 tbs fruit fromage frais served with 1 chopped fresh plum

2 mini wholemeal rolls spread with margarine, filled with 1 chopped boiled egg, 2 slices tomato and mustard and cress

sponge pudding and fruit cocktail

1 small glass of milk

finger foods

2 cream crackers

1 small chunk of cheddar cheese, (small match box size piece) and 1/2 a medium size apple

2 small slice of toasted white bread spread with margarine and filled with 11/2 thin slices of ham and 1 pineapple ring

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