Obesity indicators 2016

The latest data for indicators selected to monitor progress for the Prevention of Obesity Route Map (2010).

Volume of sales of soft drinks with added sugar [13]

Indicator Source: Food Standards Scotland (Kantar Worldpanel)

Latest Results

  • Between 2010 and 2014, the volume of regular take home soft drinks [14] purchased by Scottish households dropped by 16.8% to 183 million litres.
  • The volume of carbonated drinks purchased by Scottish households declined from 314 to 290 million litres.
  • The calorie contribution of carbonated drinks reduced from 32 kilocalories per person per day in 2010 to 28 kilocalories in 2014.

Figure 13: Sales of soft drinks, 2010-2014

Figure 13: Sales of soft drinks, 2010-2014

About This Indicator

Desired Outcome:

Reduced consumption of high energy food and drink.

Relevant Route Map action:

Action to work with the Food Implementation Group to reduce sugar levels and portion sizes.

Geography available:

Scotland level only.

Equalities data:

Not applicable.

Rationale for including this indicator:

The aim of this indicator is to monitor the volume of sales of soft drinks with added sugar in supermarkets in Scotland. There is evidence of an association between sugar-sweetened soft drinks and prevalence of obesity and interventions in this area have been shown to be effective.

Factors influencing this indicator:

  • Availability and affordability of healthy choices.


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