Obesity indicators 2015

Latest data for indicators selected to monitor progress for our Prevention of Obesity Route Map (2010). Most indicators are updated up to 2014, but for some indicators data are more or less up-to-date than this.

Adult active travel to work

Indicator Source: Transport Scotland (Transport & Travel in Scotland)

Latest Results

  • In 2014, 15.5% of working adults travelled to work by walking or cycling.
  • There has been little change in this proportion since 2000, with the figures fluctuating at around 13% to 16%.

Figure 16. Proportion of adults (16+) walking or cycling to work, 2010-2014


About This Indicator

Desired Outcome:
Promotion of active travel.

Relevant Route Map action:
Deliver cycle action plan.

Indicator Source:
Transport Scotland: Transport & Travel in Scotland bulletin.
Employed adults' (not working at home) usual method of travel to work.

Geography available:
National, Local Authority.

Equalities data:
Breakdowns by gender, age and disability possible.

Rationale for including this indicator:

The indicator provides a measure of the extent to which adults are choosing physically active means of travel to work (cycling or walking). The indicator supports actions in the Route Map encouraging employers to support employees to use more active means of travelling to and from work.

A low level of evidence exists in literature for the effectiveness of active travel incentives and facilities with a moderate rating for potential population effectiveness. The ScotPHN engagement process for the Route Map assessed the action as having medium impact with medium to high effort.

Factors influencing this indicator:

  • Availability of alternative transport options
  • Employer incentives


Email: Daniel Adams

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