
Scottish children's physical activity levels: study analysis

Report using data from the Growing Up in Scotland (GUS) study to explore physical activity levels in Scottish 10 and 11-year-olds.


First and foremost, the authors would like to thank all the families, and in particular the children, who have kindly engaged in the study. It is a large undertaking and for that we are extremely grateful.

Without the assistance of our colleagues at Scotcen, this study would not have been possible. For their continued support and partnership, we are very thankful.

To those who helped in the preparation of the report, we extend our most gracious thanks. We owe a great deal of gratitude to our colleagues at SPHSU, particularly David Walker, Claire Anderson, Matthew Tolan, and the rest of the SPACES team for all the hard work invested in getting the data ready for the report. We are also grateful to Natalie Nicholls and Ana Perez for their assistance in statistical analyses in an earlier stage of the project.

Responsibility for the opinions expressed in this report, and for all interpretation of the data, lies solely with the authors.


Email: Ganka Mueller,

Phone: 0300 244 4000 – Central Enquiry Unit

The Scottish Government
St Andrew's House
Regent Road

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