
Ocean literacy survey: headline findings

Headline findings from an online survey with the public in Scotland on the topic of ocean literacy - exploring the public's understanding of the marine environment. It is part of a wider project covering England and Wales.

Views on wind farms

Around one in ten believed that wind farms have no impact on the land or in the marine environment in terms of people nearby (11%), the available space for other use (9%) and the nearby natural environment (8%) (Figure 15).

Forty-five percent felt there is a greater impact on land in terms of people nearby, 39% in terms of space available for other uses, and 28% in terms of the nearby natural environment.

Less than one in ten felt that wind farms have a greater impact in the marine environment in terms of people nearby (6%), the space available for other uses (7%) and the nearby natural environment (9%).

Figure 15: Views on wind farms (weighted %)
a bar chart that illustrates that respondents’ view on the impact of windfarms on land compared with the marine environment as reported in the previous three paragraphs.

NQ4: Do you think the following impacts of windfarms (including wind turbines and power transmission cables) are greater on land or in the marine environment?

Unweighted base: 3,055

Table 5: Views on wind farms (weighted %)
Statement No impact on land or in the marine environment Greater impact on land Equal impact on land or in the marine environment Greater impact in the marine environment Don't know
Impacts of wind farms on people nearby 11% 45% 27% 6% 10%
Impacts of wind farms on available space for other uses 9% 39% 33% 7% 11%
Impacts of wind farms on the nearby natural environment 8% 28% 42% 9% 12%


  • Attitudes
  • Knowledge
  • Awareness



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