
Ocean literacy survey: headline findings

Headline findings from an online survey with the public in Scotland on the topic of ocean literacy - exploring the public's understanding of the marine environment. It is part of a wider project covering England and Wales.

Visiting the marine environment

In the last 12 months, 56% had visited the marine environment. 32% had not visited in the last 12 months and 10% had never visited.

A quarter (26%) of respondents travelled up to 2 miles, a similar proportion (23%) between 3 and 10 miles, and a third (32%) travelled between 11 and 50 miles. Just 17% travelled more than 50 miles (Figure 29).

Figure 29: Distance travelled for visit (weighted %)
a bar chart that shows the number of respondents that had visited marine environments in the last 12 months and the distanced travelled to access them as reported in the previous two paragraphs.

Q31: Approximately how far in miles did you travel to get there?

Unweighted base: Where visited in the last 12 months: 1,755


  • Access, experience, and proximity
  • Behaviour

By far the most common form of transport used to travel to marine environments was car / van or motorbike (67%) (Figure 30).

Figure 30: Main mode of transport used for visit (weighted %)
a bar chart that shows that the most common form of transport used to travel to marine environments as reported in the previous paragraph.

Q32: What was the main form of transport you used to get there?

Unweighted base: Where visited in the last 12 months: 1,755


  • Access, experience, and proximity
  • Behaviour



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