
Ocean literacy survey: headline findings

Headline findings from an online survey with the public in Scotland on the topic of ocean literacy - exploring the public's understanding of the marine environment. It is part of a wider project covering England and Wales.

Length of visits

Of those who had visited the marine environment in the last 12 months, the most common length of time spent there at their last visit was over 1 hour, up to 2 hours (34%) (Figure 31).

Figure 31: Length of visit (weighted %)
a bar chart that shows the length of the time of a visit to the marine environment as reported in the previous paragraph.

Q28: Thinking about your most recent visit to the marine environment over the last 12 months, how long did you spend there?

Unweighted base: Where visited in the last 12 months: 1,755


  • Access, experience, and proximity
  • Behaviour

Four out of ten of the respondents who stayed over 3 hours also stayed overnight (41%) with the most popular length for an overnight stay being 2 nights (20%) or 3 nights (20%) (Figure 32).

Figure 32: Number of nights stayed (weighted %)
a graph that shows the number of nights that people stayed overnight when visiting marine environments as reported in the previous paragraph.

Q30: How many nights did you stay away from your home during this trip?

Unweighted base: Where stayed overnight: 150


  • Access, experience, and proximity
  • Behaviour



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