
Ocean literacy survey: headline findings

Headline findings from an online survey with the public in Scotland on the topic of ocean literacy - exploring the public's understanding of the marine environment. It is part of a wider project covering England and Wales.

Barriers to visits

The main reason for not visiting a marine environment in the last 12 months was staying home due to COVID-19 (49%) (Figure 38).

Bad or poor weather was the second biggest reason (21%) and distance/time taken to get to a marine environment was third (17%). Distance may also have interacted with COVID-19 barriers, where 'Stay Local' restrictions were also in place.

Figure 38: Reasons for not visiting the marine environment in the last 12 months (weighted %)
a bar chart that shows the main reasons for not visiting a marine environment in the last 12 months as reported in the previous paragraph.

Q27: What was the main reason(s) for not visiting a marine environment in the last 12 months?

Unweighted base: Where visited in the last 12 months: 1,249


  • Access, experience, and proximity
  • Personal or emotional connection
  • Behaviour
  • Attitudes



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