
Ocean literacy survey: headline findings

Headline findings from an online survey with the public in Scotland on the topic of ocean literacy - exploring the public's understanding of the marine environment. It is part of a wider project covering England and Wales.

Perceptions of marine health and challenges

Fifty-nine percent rated the health of the global marine environment as poor or very poor, while 11% rated it as good or very good (Figure 5a).

A lower proportion rated the health of Scotland's marine environment as poor or very poor (35%) compared to the global marine environment, and 27% rated it as good or very good (Figure 5b), a higher proportion than the global rating.

While 35% considered their awareness of the challenges facing the global marine environment to be poor or very poor, 28% rated their awareness as good or very good (28%) (Figure 5c).

Figure 5: Perceptions on the health of and awareness of challenges facing the marine environment (weighted %)
a graph that illustrates respondents’ perceptions of the health of the marine environment as reported in the previous three paragraphs

Q4: How would you rate the health of the global marine environment?

Q5: how would you rate the health of the marine environment around Scotland?

Q6: How would you rate your awareness of challenges facing the global marine environment?

Unweighted base: 3,055


  • Knowledge
  • Awareness



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