DWP benefits case transfers: survey findings

Social Security Experience Panels participants' views about case transfer process of some of the UK Department for Work and Pensions benefits now to be delivered by the Scottish Government.

When to transfer cases

We asked respondents when they thought cases should be transferred over.

Just over half of respondents (57%) selected the option ‘all cases transferred from DWP with a balance between speed and making sure there are no mistakes’

We asked respondents why they had chosen this option

"Taking a little more time in the long run will ensure no mistakes are made"

"I don't want mistakes to be made but I want my payments to be handled by the Scottish government as soon as possible."

"I would like to see the transfer done as fast as possible, but not if this means there could be issues with payments."

"Speed is important but mistakes are expensive and stressful."

  • Around 3 in 10 respondents (29%) selected the option 'all cases transferred from DWP over a longer time, making sure there are no mistakes'

Respondents told us that mistakes should be avoided at all costs.

"Mistakes should not happen, this would just cause more upset and stress."

"It's important that cases are done properly, not quickly."

  • Around 14% of respodents said that 'all cases transferred from DWP as fast as possible' was the best option.

The most popular reason for selecting this option was wanting to leave the DWP system.

"Mistakes can always be rectified. The stress and pain and problems caused by dealing with DWP cannot, it can actually make some conditions worse.

"Clients will feel more secure under the new system, rather than D.W.P"

Other Priorities

We asked respondents if there was anything else that is important to consider when thinking about case transfers.

  • The most common thing respondents told us was that they wanted to be kept up to date of the case transfer process

"Clear information for all recipients about what will happen, when it will happen and how it will happen."

"Keep us informed at every stage."

"Keep clients up to date on progress, doesn't matter how long it takes if people are kept informed."

  • Respondents also spoke about the need for staff who are fully trained and knowledgable

"Have the staff of the Social Security of Scotland all having training, and support so they can cope with the changes. "

  • Many respondents told us that they want the system to be tested beforehand to prevent mistakes

"Cases should transfer over as soon as Social Security Scotland has the necessary systems and staff in place and they have been properly tested."

"This system should be well tried out and tested before commissioned to minimise the amount of errors which can be made"

  • Respondents also told us that being able to have accessible and easy modes of contact with Social Security Scotland is important.

"Make it easy for people to contact SSS to ask questions as there are bound to be lots of clients who do not know what exactly is going on."

"The ability to communicate via email telephone and hopefully in person too."


Email: socialsecurity@gov.scot

Telephone: 0300 244 4000

Scottish Government
St Andrews House
Regent Road

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