Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development - gender budgeting pilots: evaluation report
This Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) report sets out the findings of a process evaluation of work to pilot approaches to gender budgeting in the Scottish Government.
Annex B: Canadian Gender Goals
The below goals are taken from the Canadian Gender Results Framework[3].
Education and Skills Development
Goal: Equal opportunities and diversified paths in education and skills development.
Economic Participation and Prosperity
Goal: Equal and full participation in the economy.
Leadership and Democratic Participation
Goal: Gender equality in leadership roles and at all levels of decision-making.
Gender-Based Violence and Access to Justice
Goal: Eliminating gender-based violence and harassment and promoting security of the person and access to justice.
Poverty Reduction, Health and Well-Being
Goal: Reduced poverty and improved health outcomes.
How to access background or source data
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