
Curriculum for Excellence 2020-2021 - OECD review: initial evidence pack

Initial evidence base for the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) independent review of Curriculum for Excellence, developed by the Scottish Government, to provide the OECD with contextual information and evidence on the Scottish education system, in advance of their research and engagement work.

1. Introduction and Background to the review

In 2019, the Scottish Government commissioned an Independent Review of Scotland's Curriculum for Excellence, to be led by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). 

The purpose of the Review is to help the Scottish Government better understand how the curriculum is being designed and implemented in schools and to identify areas for improvement across the country.  A Remit for the Review was published on 26th February 2020. 

Purpose of this document 

This document is the initial evidence base for the OECD Independent Review of Curriculum for Excellence, developed by the Scottish Government, in collaboration with Education Scotland, SQA and ADES and submitted to the OECD on 8 July 2020. 

The purpose of this document is to provide the OECD with up to date contextual information on the education system in Scotland, including relevant data and factual evidence, in order to provide a starting point for their engagement work with stakeholders, practitioners and learners. 

The document has been developed in line with the guidelines provided by the OECD and provides a range of evidence from sources including: national attainment statistics;  the National Improvement Framework; HMIe Inspection Evidence; feedback from research and engagement work with practitioners; Curriculum & Assessment Board papers; evidence emerging from the Education & Skills Committee Inquiry; and key policy documents. It also includes a range of examples of emerging practice at school and local authority level. 

Whilst this document was originally submitted to the OECD in July 2020, prioritisation of COVID related publications and a focus on supporting the delivery of the Review has led to a delay in publication. As such, several updates have been made prior to publication to reflect any updates to key statistics and publication of relevant evidence.  

Scottish Government, Learning Directorate, March 2021



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