Offshore renewable energy: decommissioning guidance for Scottish waters

Guidance to assist developers / owners of offshore renewable energy installations in Scotland to understand their decommissioning obligations under the Energy Act 2004.

6. Content of decommissioning programmes

A template for decommissioning programmes

6.1 The precise contents of a decommissioning programme may vary according to the circumstances. However, the Scottish Ministers strongly encourage that the programme should be based on the template set out at Annex C.

6.2 The content of the programme should be in line with the detailed guidance on decommissioning standards, cost estimates and financial security set out in the following three chapters of this guidance.

6.3 The detail provided under each heading in a decommissioning programme should reflect the level of uncertainty for that particular issue, the programme should be sufficiently detailed from the outset, to demonstrate that decommissioning has been fully considered and factored into design decisions, and that a viable decommissioning strategy has been developed. Where an Environmental Impact Assessment has been undertaken for the project permits, the initial versions of the decommissioning programme should rely on that information. However, as the project develops updated assessments are likely to be required.

6.4 Financial models are required to be reviewed in order to assess the viability of proposed financial security arrangements. Financial information relating to decommissioning costs and financial security arrangements would be provided to SG on a confidential basis. SG follows strict internal guidelines on the handling of commercially sensitive information. However, any information provided to the Scottish Ministers may be subject to Freedom of Information ("FOI") / Environmental Information Requests ("EIR"). Therefore the responsible person will have to identify specific information within any documents (figures, cost assumptions, information specific to their company etc.) provided which if released would be likely to cause substantial prejudice to their commercial interests and identify what that prejudice would be likely to be.



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