Offshore Wind Focus

Offshore Wind Focus provides an overview of the Scottish Government's strategic assessment of the market opportunities and next steps that will underpin the public sector’s collective investment decisions in offshore wind, supporting delivery of our Green Industrial Strategy.


Offshore wind jobs forecasts

Report Job forecasts
Internal Scottish Government analysis on ScotWind economic opportunity 10,400 jobs (direct and indirect annual average over peak period of development)
STUC analysis of ScotWind economic opportunity 25,000 jobs (peak direct employment)
Energy System and Just Transition Independent Analysis (Balanced Options scenario) 32,000 jobs (direct and indirect employment in 2040)
Opergy Skills Intelligence Report [8]54,000 jobs (in 2030)
Powering Up The Workforce Report 21,000 increase to 2030
RenewableUK Industrial Growth Plan UK level: 120,000 by 2035

Overview of key evidence and reports used to inform the strategic assessment


UK Offshore Wind Champion Report

Energy system and Just Transition: independent analysis

Powering Up The Workforce

Onshore Wind Sector Deal

Scottish Supply Chain Export Study

National Innovation Strategy

Strategic Investment Assessment

OWIC Supply Chain Assessment

Renewable UK’s Roadmap to 2040

Offshore Wind Industrial Growth Plan

Ports for offshore wind: A review of the net-zero opportunity for ports in Scotland

The Strategic Investment Model (SIM)

The Strategic Investment Model process has been industry-led and has identified a potential pipeline of port infrastructure and supply chain projects with a total capital expenditure of around £6.5 billion. Ten priority infrastructure and supply chain projects were identified by industry to proceed to stage 2 of the SIM. This highlighted a strong appetite from partners to take a strategic and collaborative approach to delivery of investment in infrastructure, ports, manufacturing and fabrication. Of the ten projects, five are port facilities, four are supply chain proposals and one is an equipment project. Further strides have been made with nineteen “progress” projects being identified through the SIM. The Scottish Government remains supportive of the SIM and interested in the outcomes of the process but did not take part in the prioritisation exercise – which was industry-led.



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