
Oil and gas production statistics

The latest statistics on oil and gas production, income and expenditure in Scottish adjacent waters

The tables published here include estimates of oil and gas production activity in Scotland (including Scottish adjacent waters). They report production quantities, approximate sales income, operating costs and capital expenditure, as well as estimates of the supply and demand for oil, oil products and natural gas in Scotland.

Following the interruption to the regular production of these statistics during the COVID-19 pandemic, estimates have been reinstated as a data-only release. The future release schedule remains under review. This change to publication format reflects that most of the known uses of the statistics are as intermediate inputs into the production of other official statistics, including the Whole system energy balance for Scotland, the whole of Scotland Economic Accounts Project, and the ONS production of Regional Economic Activity by Gross Domestic Product and regional natural capital accounts within the UK.

The following datasets are available:

Production, income and expenditure (annual, financial year and quarterly): 1998 onwards

  • Table 1.1 (TOE): Oil and gas production in Scotland, and as a proportion of the UK total, in tonnes of oil equivalent
  • Table 1.1 (Alternative units): Oil and gas production in Scotland, and as a proportion of the UK total, in tonnes (oil and NGL) and GWh (natural gas)
  • Table 2.1: Oil and gas income and expenditure in Scotland, and as a proportion of the UK total

Physical Commodity Balances (annual): 1998-onwards 

  • Table 3.1: Supply and use of crude oil, natural gas liquids and feedstocks (tonnes)
  • Table 3.2: Supply and use of petroleum products (tonnes)
  • Table: 4.1 Supply and use of natural gas (GWh)

About these statistics

The tables published here include estimates of oil and gas production activity in Scotland (including Scottish adjacent waters). They report production volumes, approximate sales income, operating costs and capital expenditure using the methodology described in this paper

All statistics are consistent with information published by the UK Department for Energy Security and Net Zero (DESNZ) and the North Sea Transition Authority (NSTA) for total UK oil and gas production, income and expenditure. This includes production from both offshore and onshore oil and gas fields. Estimates for Scotland are based on production data for each individual oil and gas field which is located in Scotland or Scottish adjacent waters.

BEIS and the NSTA produce regular updates to UK oil and gas statistics and should always be referred to as the primary source for UK totals. The results in this publication are designed to be fully consistent with the UK totals available at the time of production, and to be useful for economic and energy analysis primarily relating to Scotland.

User requested supplementary data

In addition to the main tables for Scotland detailed above, the following datasets have been produced and released in response to specific requests. These supplementary data are consistent with the main results in tables 1.1 and 2.1:

In response to a request by the Office For National Statistics (ONS) Regional Accounts team, the following information is available:

  • Table 1.2: Estimated UK offshore (not land based) production of oil and gas
  • Table 2.2: Estimated UK offshore (not land based) income and expenditure on oil and gas production

Previous data

The latest statistics publshed here can include revisions which supersede all previous released. An archive of previous publications is available. 

Last updated: 1 May 2024 to include production, income and expenditure estimates for 2023

Updated: 27 March 2024 to include commodity balance and supplementary tables for 2022 and FY 2022-23

Correction (9 April 2024): the value of marine bunkers in table_3_2 was originally published with an incorrect positive sign, and as a result the balancing item for RUK exports was too high. These have now been corrected. 

An Official Statistics publication for Scotland

These statistics have not been assessed by the Office for Statistics Regulation and have therefore not yet been designated as National Statistics.

Official and National Statistics are produced to high professional standards set out in the Code of Practice for Statistics. Both undergo regular quality assurance reviews to ensure that they meet customer needs and are produced free from any political interference.

oil and gas production income and expenditure 1998-2023
oil and gas physical commodity balances 1998-2022
oil and gas supplementary tables 1998-2022


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