
Older people and employment in Scotland: research

An examination of attitudes and issues surrounding an older workforce.


1 For further details, see:

2 Mercer (2015) Age-friendly Employment Research. Available from:

3 While the points discussed below are presented as actions the Scottish Government could take forward, it is recognised that the third sector, local government, trade unions, employer representative bodies, enterprise agencies and Universities, Colleges and Higher Funding Council could also share responsibility

4 The Scottish Government (2016) An Investigation of Pensioner Employment

5 The Scottish Government (2016) Fairer Scotland Action Plan

6 National Population Projections: 2014-based Statistical Bulletin

7 During screening of potential study participants, individuals were asked to provide details of their net household income. They were also asked about their marital status, whether or not they had dependent children living with them, and details of their housing tenure. These details were used to estimate a household income decile group for each potential participant, based on income thresholds for different household types presented in the Scottish Government report 'Poverty and income inequality in Scotland 2014/15' (Scottish Government, 2016: 31-32)

8 For detailed gender breakdowns across the types of caring responsibilities please see annex A.

9 Grandparents Plus (2009) Rethinking family life: Exploring the role of grandparents and the wider family, London: Grandparents Plus.

10 For further details, see:

11 Mercer (2015) Age-friendly Employment Research. Available from:

12 While the points discussed below are presented as actions the Scottish Government could take forward, it is recognised that the third sector, local government, trade unions, employer representative bodies, enterprise agencies and Universities, Colleges and Higher Funding Council could also share responsibility.


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