
Coronavirus (COVID-19): Omicron in Scotland - evidence paper

Information about the Omicron variant in Scotland.

Annex A: Omicron cases by specimen date

Latest data shows there have been 109 confirmed, 48 highly probable, and 938 possible Omicron variant cases reported in Scotland, a total of 1,095, see Figure 7. This is based on specimens collected to 7 December 2021 and reported up to 9 December 2021.

Figure 7: Epidemic curve by case definition type (by specimen date), 1 November to 7 December 2021, Scotland [13,14]
The graph shows the epidemic curve of Omicron from 1 November to 7 December 2021. A gradual increase of combine confirmed, highly probable and possible cases is seen throughout December, with rapid increases in daily cases seen at the end of November and into December. Possible cases are seen since the 1 November, highly probably since 7 November and confirmed cases since the 23 November. As of 7 December, a total of 1095 confirmed, highly probable and possible cases have been found in Scotland.



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